Chapter 1679

Why didn't dad jump up happily when he saw him?
Shouldn't father and son meet each other with a kiss and a hug?

What does daddy's cannibalistic expression mean?
Wuwuwu, did daddy not want him anymore?

Di Dudu held back his small mouth, and called out aggrievedly: "Daddy..."

Di Kongxuan glared at Xiaotuanzi like a thunderbolt, and wanted to say that I am not your father, but when the words came to his lips, seeing his shining eyes, he couldn't say anything.

There is a place in the heart that is so soft that it is about to melt in Xiaotuanzi's eyes.

Lan Yao knelt down and looked at Di Dudu, then turned her head to look at Di Kongxuan, touched her chin and said, "Brother Kongxuan, Xiaotuanzi looks like you, so he must be your son!"

Di Kongxuan slipped Di Dudu's collar, picked him up from the ground, frowned and asked, "What's your name?"

"Wow—" Unexpectedly, upon hearing his question, Di Dudu opened his mouth and burst into tears.

It's over, daddy doesn't remember him anymore, daddy doesn't want him anymore...

Di Dudu twitched and said, "Mother doesn't want me anymore, and neither does Daddy... woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo "

Di Kongxuan's head throbbed.

He not only coldly said: "Shut up!"

Di Dudu closed his mouth, and there were two bubbles of tears in his eyes, all of which fell in the blink of an eye.

Lan Yao said: "Well, Brother Kongxuan, that's not how children are hugged, do you want to strangle him to death?"

The collar was stuck on the back of Di Dudu's neck, and there were already red marks from exhaustion.

Di Kongxuan let go of his hand belatedly, and put him back on the ground, but he grabbed his sleeve and wiped his face carelessly.

The little dumpling continued: "Woohoo, Dad, I want to kill me ... Help ..."

Di Kongxuan: "..."

He also wanted to call for help!

Two big men were at a loss around a small group of rogues, just at this moment, a very handsome man came out of the ice drink shop nearby.

Yue Rushuang had asked Di Dudu to wait outside and went to buy him something to eat by herself, but when she just picked up the food, she heard him calling for help, so scared that he hurried out.

"What are you two doing around my son?" Yue Rushuang stepped forward and stood in front of Di Dudu.

Di Dudu rushed forward and hugged Yue Rushuang's thigh.

Yue Rushuang handed the sweet snowball to Di Dudu, and Di Dudu was comforted, and ran away with the sweets in his arms.

"Brother Yue, Brother Yue..." Lan Yao greeted her.

"It's Yao brother, come on, this is for you." Yue Rushuang handed him another sweet snowball.

Lan Yao was flattered, took it over and thanked her.

Yue Rushuang looked at Di Kongxuan again, and said regretfully, "Sorry, I only bought two."

Di Kongxuan quickly straightened his expression, still looking like no stranger to approach, he only gouged out Lan Yao's eyes, and then walked away.

Lan Yao bid farewell to Yue Rushuang in a hurry, and chased after her: "Brother Kongxuan, wait for me..."

After running two steps, I found that I didn't take the books and teaching materials, so I had to turn back with a bitter face. The two stuffed the sweet snowball into their mouths, shivering from the cold, picked up the things and chased after them.

Yue Rushuang looked at the backs of the two leaving, and touched her chin.

"Godfather..." Di Dudu came over again at this moment, "Who are those two people?"

Yue Rushuang picked him up and said, "That little boy who looks more timid than a woman is the adopted son of the chief of the Canghai clan, Lan Yao."

(End of this chapter)

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