Chapter 1680

"Wow, adopted son, the same as me!" Di Dudu suddenly felt that he was destined.

Yue Rushuang laughed, and then said: "The other person is unfamiliar, but I heard that Mr. Lan has recently gotten close to someone from the Dijiang clan, and I think that person is Di Kongxuan, the cousin of the Dijiang clan. "

Didudu thought resentfully, he looks the same and has the same name, so he is clearly his father!
Why don't you recognize him!

"According to rumors, this young master was picked up and found to have lost his memory. Recently, he has been trying to recover his memory." Yue Rushuang said again.

Di Dudu's originally slumped face suddenly became alert again.

What?Daddy lost his memory!
No wonder I have to recognize him, I must not remember him!

Well, for the sake of his amnesia, Di Dudu decided to forgive him for being ruthless just now.

Di Dudu's mood became better again, since he can meet his father here, he must be able to meet his mother too!They are always inseparable!

"Godfather, I'm hungry." Di Dudu said.

Yue Rushuang glanced at him: "Didn't you just finish eating?"

Di Dudu touched his belly and said, "I want to drink milk."

Yue Rushuang: "..."

In order to satisfy Di Dudu's desire to drink milk, Yue Rushuang could only carry him to a small restaurant next to the girls' dormitory, and ordered a bowl of goat's milk.


Last night's freshman party was very late, Duanmuyi saw that the teachers were too busy, so he helped Yutingsong clean up until the end.

Fortunately, the initial stages of the alchemy class were all about theoretical knowledge. Yu Tingsong alone was enough, and Duanmuyi fell asleep until noon.

After getting up, he practiced for two hours, then ran to eat something hungry, and wandered around the academy again.

Not long after, when they came near the girls' dormitory, they suddenly heard screams from the girls not far away.

"so cute!"

"It's so cute, can you give me a hug!"

"God, look at the way he drinks milk...ah, I'm going to die..."

Duanmu Yi took a glance and saw a tall man standing in the middle of the crowd, with long and narrow phoenix eyes and a white face like jade, he was chatting with several female students around him with his arms folded, making them laugh non-stop.

She recognized that this was Yue Rushuang who had met once in Jin Shiju that day.

Good-looking is good-looking, but cute?

Don't you have anything to do with this guy?

But soon Duanmuyi found that most of the girls' eyes were not on him, but on his feet.

A childish voice came from the crowd: "Hello, my sisters, my name is Dudu. My godfather said, you can hug me, but you have to pay first."

Duanmu said: "..."

She stood expressionlessly on the periphery of the crowd, watching the girls happily hand over the money, and then hugged the little dumpling one by one, pinched his face, touched his little hand, and finally left contentedly.

Then Xiaotuanzi squatted beside Yue Rushuang, and the two gathered together to count the money. It seemed that they had gained a lot, Xiaotuanzi jumped up happily, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

With tears in his eyes, he raised his head and saw Duanmuyi.

Duanmu curled his lips with a half-smile, turned and left.

very good.

The father and son really refreshed her three views better than the other.

Di Dudu lay on the ground, choking speechlessly.

It must not be a good day to go out today!

What does that look on my mother's face mean?Are you angry?It's over, it's over, daddy doesn't know him anymore, what should mother do if she wants to abandon him too!
(End of this chapter)

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