Chapter 1681

"Wow——" Didudu got up frantically, and chased out with his short legs, "Mother——!"

Yue Rushuang raised her head blankly, and could only see Xiaotuanzi's back.

Duanmuyi led the small group around seven times, and finally reached the small garden on the north side of the college, under the pagoda of the Lingdian.This place is inaccessible, and it is more convenient for the mother and wife to "talk".

But just in case, Duanmuyi quietly let go of the spirit fire domain of the domain spirit fire to prevent anyone from coming over.

"Mother... Dudu can't walk anymore." Di Dudu hugged the pillar on the side of the corridor, feeling extremely wronged.

Duanmuyi stopped and looked at him silently, his eyes were calm and serious.

Di Dudu lowered his head: "I'm sorry, Dudu was wrong. Dudu shouldn't sell his appearance. My mother taught me that you can't be prostitute when you are rich, and you can't be moved when you are poor."

Duanmuyi sighed, he hadn't seen him for a long time, and he missed him so much, he stepped forward and hugged his son in his arms.

Feeling the soft Xiaotuanzi relax in her arms, and smelling the faint milky fragrance on his body, Duanmuyi's heart was completely relieved.

"Where did you go, mother is very worried about you."

Di Dudu grabbed her shoulder and said cryingly: "I don't know. At that time, I fell from the sky and landed on my godfather's bed. It seemed that I killed a sister. But godfather said that sister was a bad person." , I saved him. Later, my godfather kept me by my side, gave me a lot of delicious food, and brought me here again. Wuwuwu, mother, Dudu misses you very much..."

Duanmuyi heard that Yue Rushuang had raised an adopted son, but she never thought that it was her son.

She was infinitely grateful to that Yue Rushuang in her heart. Although he only met once, since he saved her son, he was also her benefactor.

The mother and son talked about the past for a while, and Di Dudu suddenly remembered something, and pulled Duan Muyi's sleeve: "Mother..."


Di Dudu said, "I saw Daddy."

"!!!" Duanmu said, "Tell me carefully."

"Daddy doesn't seem to know me anymore. My godfather said that Daddy has become a son of the Dijiang clan and has lost his memory." Di Dudu told all the news he had received, and finally complained with a sad face, "Daddy also said that I am a How can Dudu be a thing that has not been weaned!"

Duanmu said: "..."

Well, son, the argument about whether you are a thing or not is better left undiscussed.

"It turns out that he has lost his memory—" Duan Muyi pondered for a moment, then said, "We have to find a way to see him."

Di Dudu volunteered: "I'm here for a date! I live with my godfather, so I can sneak over to find my godfather!"

Duanmuyi thought for a while, now that he lives in the teaching staff's dormitory, and his access is under Yu Tingsong's nose, if he rashly takes Di Dudu back, he may arouse suspicion.

Now that the suspicion about the owner of the pure blood essence is raging, she can't protect herself, and Di Dudu may have been targeted by someone with a heart.

That day in Jin Shiju, Mo Lingyu's words seemed to imply that Di Dudu was the owner.

No matter what the reason is, it is very dangerous for Didudu to follow her.

"How did the frosty moon treat you?" she asked.

Di Dudu is very smart, knowing what his mother is worried about, he immediately said: "Godfather is very good to me, and he has assigned two beautiful older sisters to accompany me. Besides, godfather is rich and rich, a little bit of Dudu Nothing to lose."

(End of this chapter)

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