Chapter 1682

Duanmu raised his forehead, and had to admit that his son's shrewdness was nothing like his own, probably inherited from Dikongxuan.

"Mother is currently living in the faculty dormitory, if you want to see mother, come and find me there." Duanmuyi urged.

Di Dudu nodded and smiled happily: "Okay!"

Duanmuyi withdrew to the spiritual fire domain, and dragged Didudu away.

After a while, several people came out from the other end of the corridor.

"Is that woman Teacher Yu's teaching assistant?" It was a girl with a round face who asked, if Duanmu meant it, he would definitely recognize that she was the person she asked passing by that day.

The young man standing in front of this group of people had a slender figure, his eyes slightly lowered, and he didn't know what to think.

"Interesting." He slightly raised the corners of his lips, and laughed in a low voice, "There is a treasure on her body that keeps the outside world from prying?"

The round-faced girl looked at the young man, unable to hide the shyness and love in her eyes, she asked softly, "Master, do you need us to test her?"

Jiang Shao smiled noncommittally, with an ambiguous attitude.

"Go and find out first, what is the relationship between her and that little thing?" Jiang Shao said, "That little thing is Yue Rushuang's adopted son, don't she be Yue Rushuang's woman."

The round-faced girl said: "Although Yue Rushuang spends her days and nights and achieves nothing, it seems that there has never been any rumor that he has anything to do with other women."

"The Qingyue Clan is good at spying on news. If you really want to hide some news, can I let you know?" Jiang Shao glanced at her, saw her cheeks were flushed, smiled slightly, and walked forward on his own.

In the next few days, Duanmuyi practiced during the day, and sometimes when he went out for a stroll, he would see Didudu strolling around the college with his short legs, followed by a large group of girls who were full of maternal love.

In the evening, Yu Tingsong would give her some teaching books on refining medicine, and Di Dudu would sneak into the backyard and knock on her window to climb in.

After half a month, it was the first rest day after school started.

Di Dudu woke up from Duanmuyi's bed, holding her arm and refused to let go.

"Get up." Duanmuyi patted his buttocks.

Di Dudu sat up, rubbed his eyes and said, "I forgot to mention last night, godfather said that there will be an experience class for freshmen next week, and it seems that freshmen can enter the Spirit Hall once."

Duanmuyi dressed him in small clothes and took him to wash his face. The mother and son squatted in front of the wooden basin and wiped their faces with a face towel each.

"I see," she said. "How's your father doing?"

Di Dudu immediately complained: "I slipped past twice, once I didn't see Daddy, and once I was kicked out by Daddy."

Duanmu said gloomyly: "He is finished."

Di Dudu nodded in agreement: "He's finished!"

Di Kongxuan, who was in the Purple Lotus Courtyard, was getting up and getting dressed when he suddenly sneezed several times.

Duanmuyi sent Di Dudu out, and soon saw a few girls running over not far away, wanting to take him to have breakfast.

Di Dudu turned around politely, waved to Duanmuyi, and called sweetly: "Goodbye, sister!"

Duanmu said: "..."

Good son is really on the road.

Strolling around, I bought some breakfast to go back to the faculty and staff dormitory, and Yu Tingsong just woke up.Duanmuyi put the breakfast on the stone table in the yard, and the two sat down.

"It's hard to rest today, where do you want to go?" Yu Tingsong asked.

Duanmu deliberately kept a distance from him, and when he heard his question, he smiled and said: "There is no place I want to go, but I have some questions about refining medicine and I want to ask you."

(End of this chapter)

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