kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 168 Don't be a fool!

Chapter 168 Don't be a fool!

"Uh...Actually..." Bai Jiujiu really wanted to say that she was the only one, but Lu Sichen dragged her a little bit, but he didn't make it.

"Look, this is a script. It's very simple and not long. It mainly tells a story about left-behind children. The protagonist in the story is a left-behind child. When he grows up, he relies on his own efforts to achieve success and love. But for these The left-behind children in the backward mountain villages resolutely decided to stay and teach and lost their love."

Bai Jiujiu opened it, basically there are no lines, relying on body language and facial acting skills, this is easy to say, but difficult to say, the easy part is that everything is in a fixed pattern, the difficult part is to make the audience resonate, Arouse emotions in the audience.

"I have a request. I hope that at the end of this public welfare performance, a public welfare account for donations can be broadcast, and then these donations will be invested in education in these remote areas."

The public welfare director nodded repeatedly at Bai Jiujiu's opinion, "Yes, yes, but the public welfare account is probably not very useful. After all, it will only be broadcast on the public welfare days of various master's schools. Even if there are donations, I am afraid there will not be many."

Bai Jiujiu heard the meaning that the public welfare director didn't need this.

"That doesn't bother the director to worry."

The charity director looked relieved, but also a little embarrassed: "Nowadays, there are not many actors who are caring and willing to endure hardships. You also know that our program is a charity program, so basically there is no compensation."

"It is my honor to contribute to public welfare." The gentleman Bai Jiujiu smiled.

This guy is so handsome!The charity director couldn't help being amazed that his friend really introduced him to a reliable person.

Lu Sichen immediately took a step forward, blocking the public welfare director's sight.

The public welfare director was crushed by an invisible pressure, and wiped off the cold sweat from his head. This person's aura is unavoidably strong, he must be a member of the underworld.

"Xiao...Xiao Xu, come and tell him...they tell them the precautions!" The public welfare director couldn't stand it any longer, so he still let the young man come, his little heart was frightened, and he needed to slow down.

"Okay, director." The boy called Xiao Xu put down what he was doing, and ran straight here, looking sunny and talkative from a distance.

Bai Jiujiu glanced around, completely surprised, and blurted out, "Senior, why are you here?"

"Jiujiu?" Han Xu looked Bai Jiujiu up and down and seemed to recognize him, "You have changed a lot."

Oops!She forgot about her current situation for a moment!

Bai Jiujiu twitched the corner of his mouth in embarrassment, "It's okay." Oh my god!Don't wear clothes!
Bai Jiujiu's back was chilly, he didn't know whether it came from Lu Sichen behind him or his own guilty conscience, anyway, his heart jumped to his throat.

"I didn't expect to meet you here? What are you doing after you suspend school? Why do you suspend school? How did you come here?"

Han Xu asked cracklingly, with the excitement of reuniting after a long absence in his eyes.

Seeing Han Xu's enthusiasm, Bai Jiujiu was even more embarrassed.

"Jiujiu, why don't you introduce me?" Lu Sichen put his hand directly on Bai Jiujiu's shoulder, his movements were intimate and natural.

"Who is he?" Han Xu obviously noticed that Lu Sichen was wearing a custom-made suit, either rich or expensive.

It looks a little familiar.

"This is Han Xu, my senior in high school." Bai Jiujiu smiled and introduced to Lu Sichen, feeling very guilty.

(End of this chapter)

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