kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 169 Who Will Love Me?

Chapter 169 Who Will Love Me?
"This is me... Uncle Lu Shao." Bai Jiujiu felt that his face was about to burst into laughter.

"Senior?" Lu Sichen's dark eyes darkened slightly.

"Uncle?" He has never heard of Bai Jiujiu's uncle?
"Hi, uncle." Han Xu greeted warmly and politely.

Lu Sichen cast a sideways glance and said coldly, "We don't know each other well."

The atmosphere became a little awkward.

Bai Jiujiu wanted Lu Sichen to be more polite to Han Xu, but she didn't dare.

Han Xu didn't seem to care, "It's okay, if you are not familiar with it, you will get familiar with it after more contact."

More contacts?Lu Sichen heard the meaning, this senior is interested in his little rabbit.

"Are you free?" Lu Sichen said coldly.

"That's not true, I'm just here to do charity activities." Han Xu laughed.

No more nonsense, and directly discussed with Bai Jiujiu some details and things to pay attention to.

Bai Jiujiu listened carefully, not forgetting to take notes.

Han Xu's eyes fell on Bai Jiujiu, she seemed to have changed a lot, but in his eyes she was still very cute in men's clothing.

After the discussion between the two, Han Xu asked Bai Jiujiu, "What's your phone number?"

Bai Jiujiu reported it immediately, and within two seconds the phone rang.

"Jijiu, this is my phone number. Shall we contact you when we are free?" Han Xu waved his phone and went to help elsewhere.

Bai Jiujiu was planning to keep it when the phone was taken away.

Lu Sichen directly added the phone number to the blacklist and then deleted it, "No strangers' phone numbers are allowed in the future."

"But he is my senior..."


After receiving a cold glance from Lu Sichen, Bai Jiujiu immediately fell silent. She didn't know where he offended him again.

Really, it's getting more and more domineering!
"Are you ready?" The public welfare director took a look at Bai Jiujiu who had changed into casual clothes. For some reason, he always felt that he was very eye-catching.

Some people say that Buddha depends on gold, and people depend on clothes, but some people are born with clothes hangers, as if they can wear anything.

Bai Jiujiu nodded.


With an order, Bai Jiujiu's entire aura changed, and he immediately integrated into the scene.

What Bai Jiujiu wants to interpret in this passage is the process of leaving the village alone to live in a big city, without a monologue.

It's full of inner drama, and it's a test of one's acting skills.

There was a hint of hesitation in the expectant eyes, and finally changed with confidence.

When he left, he was reluctant to turn his head, just that one look and chuckle made people feel inexplicably worried.

"CUT!" After one, the public welfare director couldn't help but sigh, it's a pity to let 'him' make a public welfare film.

As soon as Lu Sichen took two steps, Han Xu immediately rushed to Bai Jiujiu and handed her water.

Bai Jiujiu took it and didn't drink it, it wasn't that she didn't want to drink it, but that sharp eyes stared at her and didn't dare to drink it.

"Jiujiu, I didn't expect your acting skills to be so good, did you leave school just to act?

when do you go back to school

Studies are also very important! Bai Jiujiu was overwhelmed by Han Xu's enthusiastic concern.

"No, it won't be like this. The matter of going back to school has not been decided for the time being. I...uncle has something to do with me, so I will go there first." Bai Jiujiu felt that if he continued to chat, he would spontaneously combust over there!
Lu Sichen stretched out his hand, and Bai Jiujiu obediently handed over the water bottle.

Khan, are you so stingy, just a bottle of water.

Han Xu also saw it, and frowned, Jiujiu seemed to be quite afraid of this uncle, a famous brand was either rich or expensive, could it be... Jiujiu was taken care of?

(End of this chapter)

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