Chapter 1684

The alchemy room is located in the northeast corner of the teaching area. You can see half of the pagoda of the Spirit Hall. Abandon.

The air is extremely fresh, smelling it makes the pores dilate, and the aura in the whole body circulates a little faster.

"The pharmacy is a treasured place created by the joint efforts of all previous pharmacists. Refining medicine here can increase the success rate and promote the growth of spiritual power." Yu Tingsong said with pride.

Duanmuyi's soul power far exceeds that of ordinary people, so he can naturally feel the difference here.

More importantly, she vaguely noticed some reactions from the ear fox in the spirit pet space.

"Go this way." Yu Tingsong led her to a hut in the middle. There was a wooden sign outside the hut with the word "Yu" engraved on it. It was obviously his exclusive refining room.

The pharmacy refining room was empty, surrounded by a strong medicinal fragrance, and there were a row of medicine cabinets along the walls on both sides, but there was nothing in the middle of the room, except for a Bagua diagram on the ground.

"The Baicao family has passed down the eight trigrams alchemy technique since ancient times, and the principle of Tai Chi is used in the alchemy, and the success rate can reach [-]%." Yu Tingsong introduced.

Duanmuyi couldn't help but be moved, the [-]% success rate of alchemy can be said to be very scary, she is only [-]% now, this is due to her excellent soul power, the [-]% success rate of an ordinary alchemist is already very remarkable.

So pharmacist is a profession that burns money.

With a wave of Yu Tingsong's long sleeve, a medicine cauldron flew out of the spirit ring, the whole body was purple-gold, made of unknown material, and precious light circulated on it.

"Take out your tripod and let me see it." Yu Tingsong said.

Duanmuyi gave a dry cough, feeling a little embarrassed.

She took out a medicine cauldron from the spirit ring, it was dusty and unremarkable, it looked like pottery just unearthed.

Yu Tingsong raised his eyebrows slightly, but said: "You usually use this to make alchemy?"

Duanmuyi nodded.

"Amazing." Yu Tingsong smiled gently, "Refining medicine with a high-quality medicine cauldron can achieve twice the result with half the effort, but you can use such an ordinary medicine cauldron to refine high-quality pills, which shows that your medicine refining skills are exquisite."

Duanmu Yi asked: "What kind of medicine are you refining today?"

"Recently you've been reading books about alchemy, and you're going to have troubles here." Yu Tingsong waved his sleeves, and took out four pairs of identical medicinal materials from the spirit ring.

He smiled and said: "Today, I will try to practice Huanrong Pill. It is not difficult to extract the medicinal materials of Huanrong Pill, and it is not difficult to make a pill. The difficulty lies in the fusion. The alchemy itself needs to be practiced constantly in order to understand the mystery. .I’ve explained it to you a hundred times, why don’t you try it yourself.”

Duanmuyi didn't expect that he would use such an elixir as Huanrong Pill as soon as he made a move, it was so rich that she felt embarrassed.

After reading the alchemy formula, Duanmuyi and Yu Tingsong sat opposite each other and started alchemy at the same time.


"I heard that kid from the Qingyue Clan has been pestering you recently?" Di Mingkun asked.

It was the first official meeting between the two brothers since the beginning of school. Di Mingkun was usually in a hurry and would only nod when they met. Therefore, when he came specifically to find Di Kongxuan, Di Kongxuan was a little surprised.

Di Kongxuan pondered for a moment, then said: "It's just a child, it's okay."

Di Mingkun looked at him with some doubts: "Before the children of the clan got close to you, you didn't necessarily give them good looks."

(End of this chapter)

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