Chapter 1685

Dikongxuan hummed lightly, but there was no more to say.

"Cough——" Di Mingkun asked himself for humiliation, and said again, "Father sent a letter to ask how you are doing. This is a letter from him." He said, and handed over an unopened envelope.

Di Kongxuan took it, his eyes sank slightly.

He only met the patriarch of the Dijiang clan, the so-called "uncle", but this "uncle" seems a little too familiar?

Excuse me, patriarch Ditian has only asked about the affairs of the clan for many years, and rarely cared about his two sons, so he doesn't know why he is treated differently now.

After opening the envelope, he glanced at it, and suddenly understood.

Di Mingkun was not a curious person, so he didn't ask what was written in the letter, he only said that he would go to the law enforcement team to find him if he had any troubles in the future, and left in a hurry.

Di Kongxuan stood on the spot for a while, and suddenly a hand stretched out from behind, lightly tore away the letter paper in his hand.

"What is written? Let me see."

This person came silently and moved quickly, Di Kongxuan was caught off guard for a moment, and he actually took the letter paper away.

He looked up, his eyes stained with a thin layer of anger.

He is no stranger to that person. Although he is not in the same class, he is also a freshman at the same level. Recently, Jiang Shao, who is known as the number one genius of the Shengling clan, is in the limelight.

Jiang Shao glanced at the letter paper with two fingers, bent his lips and smiled, pretending not to see Di Kongxuan's angry expression, leaned forward and said, "Young Master, do you want to squeeze into the top ten in the Spirit Hall? I have experience, ask I."

On the letter paper, apart from greeting Di Kongxuan about his life in Xuanye College, Ditian also "casually" mentioned the ranking of the Spirit Hall, implying that being in the top ten will benefit him immensely.

Fighting for the top ten places in the Spirit Hall has become an overt and covert battle between the seven major tribes.

Now the Dijiang Clan has only one Di Mingkun in the top ten places, who is ranked eighth in the Spirit Hall. If Di Kongxuan can make it into the top ten, no matter who is squeezed out, it will be a big victory for the Dijiang Clan .

How could Dikongxuan not understand Ditian's thoughts.

However, rather than speculating on Ditian's thoughts at this moment, Dikongxuan is more disgusted by Jiang Shao's rudeness in snatching away the letter paper.

He stared at Young Master Jiang coldly, and said, "You have experience? You are No.10, where did you get this illogical self-confidence?"

Jiang Shao was taken aback for a moment, and frowned: "Why are you so ignorant?"

"Those who steal, what do you know about good and bad?" Di Kongxuan stretched out his hand and said coldly, "Bring it here."

Young Master Jiang suddenly chuckled, put the letter paper in his palm casually, looked at him and said, "Interesting, you Dijiang people are all carved out of the same mold, with your nostrils facing the sky, and you don't look straight at people."

Di Kongxuan rubbed the letter paper casually, smashed it into fine powder, and walked away in a flick of his sleeves.

Who knew that Young Master Jiang was relentless, and chased after him to stop him: "You are too rude, don't you want me to say goodbye if you want to leave?"

Di Kongxuan really didn't want to see him.

He reached out and tapped Jiang Shao's wrist with his fingertips. Then, with a wrong step, he clasped his arm with five fingers and pulled it back.In an instant, Young Master Jiang was thrown behind him, like a torn bag containing rotten leaves, thrown to the ground.

Young Master Jiang reacted very quickly, quickly stood up, and when he looked up again, he could only see Di Kongxuan's back.

He pinched his wrist bones, feeling like he was about to be crushed by Di Kongxuan.

"Rude." Jiang Shao said, but smiled slightly, with an elusive expression.

(End of this chapter)

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