Chapter 1686

Di Kongxuan went to wash his hands first, but felt that the places he had touched with Young Master Jiang seemed uncomfortable.

But soon, he calmed down.

As a representative of the clan, Jiang Shao has no reason to make such an outrageous move. What is his purpose?
Di Kongxuan quickly reached Zihe Courtyard, but saw a little bun squatting at the door.

It's a holiday today, he went out early in the morning, I don't know how long the little bun has been squatting here.Di Kongxuan had some headaches and wanted to sneak away first.

Little Baozi had already seen him.

Stand up, jump, pounce.

A series of actions completed in one go.

Di Kongxuan was afraid that he might fall, so he reached out to catch him.

Di Dudu was very happy - Dad was a character who would not save strangers, he would definitely dodge anyone who dared to pounce on him like this.But now that he is willing to catch him, it shows that Dad must love him very much in his heart!


Di Kongxuan's head hurt again.

He sighed: "Don't bark."

"No barking! Daddy! Daddy!" Di Dudu called out in succession.

A few Jiashe students next to them poked their heads out as if they were watching the excitement, and laughed while pushing and shoving: "Di Kongxuan, is your son looking for you again?"

Saying that, they all laughed.

Di Kongxuan ignored them, kicked Di Dudu into Zihe courtyard, and closed the courtyard door.

Only he and Lan Yao lived in Zihe Courtyard. Lan Yao ran out while taking a break, and Di Kongxuan happened to have time to sit down and have a good chat with the little kid in front of him about his outlook on life.

"...Little thing, you can't call everyone daddy."

Di Dudu bit his index finger, looked at Di Kongxuan's leg, and drooled: "Can I sit on your lap?"

Di Kongxuan: "..."

For some reason, when he saw the look in the little bun's eyes, he was reluctant to say any words of rejection, which made him wonder more than once if he really knew this kid... Or, if he was really his father?
Di Kongxuan still felt a little disillusioned.

He has subconsciously hugged Didudu to his knees.

Di Dudu sat on his lap, tugged at the tassels on his courtyard uniform, raised his bright eyes, and said, "Daddy, don't you want to know what happened to Dudu after we separated from you?"

Di Kongxuan opened his mouth, and couldn't help but soften his voice: "Tell me?"

Di Dudu said seriously: "When I fell from the sky, I thought I was going to fall to my death. Later, when I realized that I could fly in the air, I managed to control my body with my spiritual power. In the end, I was detected by the Sanxian force and attacked me. , I had no choice but to dissipate my spiritual power..."

Di Kongxuan knew that it was because the ascender did not register at the ascension registration office, and San Xianli did not recognize this person.

"and then?"

"Then I slammed into my godfather's bedroom with a whoosh!"

Di Kongxuan: "..."

Di Dudu became excited: "I didn't expect that there is a beautiful big sister lying on my godfather's bed, and godfather seems to be taking off her clothes!"

Di Kongxuan: "..."

"But I accidentally killed that beautiful big sister—" Di Dudu said again.

Di Kongxuan: "..."

After a big gasp, Di Dudu went on to say: "Guess what, it turned out that the eldest sister was a killer who came to assassinate my godfather. I saved my godfather's life, and then he recognized me as his godson! My father's family is very rich, he doesn't repeat what he eats every day, he doesn't wear his clothes twice, and he doesn't let me wear them twice—"

(End of this chapter)

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