Chapter 1687

The more Di Kongxuan heard it, the more he felt that Yue Rushuang was simply a bastard, a rogue, and a playboy.

However, Di Dudu still admired him, chattering about Yue Rushuang for half an hour, and what happened on their way to Xuanye College together.

When Di Dudu said that Yue Rushuang asked him to drink, Di Kongxuan couldn't help it.

He slapped Di Dudu's ass.

Di Dudu shut his mouth.

"Looking for pleasure, being extravagant and lustful, and even letting you drink..." Di Kongxuan's heart burst into flames, and his teeth and claws ignited his anger.

Di Dudu shrank his neck, not realizing that he had unintentionally created a rift between his real father and his godfather.

"Is this how Yue Rushuang teaches children!" Di Kongxuan gritted his teeth.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dad" said didudu stretched out his fleshy arms, hugged di kongxuan's neck, said, "daddy, don't rush tootoo Let's go."

Little Baozi's actions miraculously extinguished Dikongxuan's anger.

His heart was so soft.

"You said I was your father... what about your mother?" Di Kongxuan asked while hugging him.

Di Dudu lowered his head, rolled his eyes twice, then suddenly raised his head, and said with teary eyes: "I don't know, Mother was separated from Dudu when she was ascending, she is so pitiful, she will definitely be bullied Yes. Daddy taught Dudu before that we should protect mother together, but now..."

Di Kongxuan had a headache.

The little guy said something so well-founded that he almost believed it.

But for a person with a completely blank memory to accept that he has a wife and children, it is simply impossible.

Di Dudu was also a smart boy, he didn't force Di Kongxuan to remember anything, but softly begged him to play with him for a while.

The father and son went to the study room together, Di Kongxuan was reading at the table, Di Dudu was practicing on the soft bed beside the bed, and fell asleep after a while.

Di Kongxuan has thoroughly understood the history of Xuanye Continent these days, and is now reading a book of mountains and rivers. When he closed the book and raised his head, it was already dark.

Di Dudu was lying on the couch, with his little butt pouted, and half of his face was drooling.

Di Kongxuan walked over lightly, turned him over, wiped off his saliva carefully, then straightened his messy little clothes, and didn't wake him up, just hugged him in his arms, The own clothes wrapped him around and walked out the door.

As night fell, some coolness hit.

Di Dudu still felt warm, even warmer than every moment in the past.

He grabbed a solid shoulder in a daze, and murmured: "Daddy..."

In a trance, Di Dudu heard a chuckle, sat up with his eyes wide open, and saw the bright night pearls all over the room, the silver cup on the table was steaming, and inside was a bowl of chicken shredded noodles.

The man leaning on the soft seat looked back with picturesque eyebrows and said with a smile: "My dear son is awake, come and eat."

Di Dudu felt a little disappointed.

He must have fallen asleep, and Dad sent him back, right?
Sure enough, Yue Rushuang said again: "When will you be able to change your problem of recognizing your father and mother everywhere? Since you followed me to school, I have gained more than a dozen wives, and I have been wearing more than a dozen green hats." It's not good for you to provoke anyone, but this time you have provoked people from the Dijiang clan again."

(End of this chapter)

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