Chapter 1688

Di Dudu stepped on his small shoes, came up with a patter, sat down, and began to eat noodles.

He was very graceful when eating noodles, he didn't make any noise, and he chewed and drank the soup quietly.

After he finished eating the noodles quietly, he wiped his mouth and asked, "What's the matter with the Dijiang clan?"

"The Dijiang family is not very good, but Di Mingkun is a nuisance. I ran into him on the road today and told me not to provoke Di Kongxuan. I don't even bother to look at him as a freshman!" Yue Rushuang sneered disdainfully.

Di Dudu puffed his mouth, he didn't like others to speak ill of his father behind his back.

But... the person who said it was a godfather...

What a headache.


Duanmuyi did not expect to run into God Kongxuan on campus.

He seemed to have just walked out of the senior student's dormitory, his brows were slightly frowned, and he didn't know what he was thinking, but she could feel his unhappiness from a long distance away.

After years of getting along with each other, Duanmu Yi can figure out any expression of Di Kongxuan's mind.

This is the first official meeting between the two.

The startling glimpse at the beginning of school, the hurried back view under the Lingdian Pagoda, and the illusion pill at the freshman party... It seemed that the encounter between the two was covered with a layer of veil.

Now that this layer of veil was suddenly lifted, under the moonlight, the expressions of the two of them turned out to be the same shock and bewilderment.

Di Kongxuan came back to his senses first, and subconsciously walked in front of her.

Duanmuyi raised his head to look at him, his gaze seriously passed over his forehead, followed the natural flow of the eyebrows and the corners of his eyes, and fell on the delicate mandible like a fine brushwork painting. Stunning as always.

When he is not smiling, strangers are not allowed to enter, he is delicate and indifferent, and he does not eat the fireworks of the world.

But Duanmuyi knew that his smile was so monstrous that it could make all three mountains and five mountains lose their colors.

Knowing that Di Kongxuan lost his memory, Duanmu tried his best to keep his feelings from being so obvious, but it still seemed to fail.

Di Kongxuan lowered his eyes to look at her, and said in a low voice: "Student, if you look at me like this, it will make me feel like you are looking at me—"

Duanmu said: "..."

She can now be [-]% sure that the person who put on the face of "Bai Ze" at the freshman party and shamelessly said that she likes him must be Di Kongxuan!

Sure enough, he was still so shameless.

"Correct your two mistakes." Duanmu looked at him with a smile, "First, this classmate, please call me teacher. Second, it doesn't seem like I'm spying on you."

Di Kongxuan raised his brows slightly, obviously a bit unexpected.

He raised his finger and stroked his chin, looked at Duanmuyi, and said, "Are teachers and students in love? Not so good."

There is already a monster screaming in Duanmuyi's heart - it's not good for your size!Di Kongxuan, is that how you flirt with girls behind my back?
So in her account book, the account about Di Kongxuan was recorded in a thick and colorful stroke.

"Really? I don't think it's too good either, so I'll see you later." Duanmuyi waved his hands and walked away.

After taking two steps, someone pinned his shoulder.

Di Kongxuan said with great interest: "But it seems quite interesting—little teacher, can I treat you to dinner?"

He found that every time he gets along with the woman in front of him, there will be a wave of turbulence in his sea of ​​consciousness, as if some strong call is about to break out of the ground.

For a while, he wondered if the person in front of him could be the mother that the little bun was talking about, and if he would really...

(End of this chapter)

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