Chapter 1690

Mo Lingyu's fame is well known to everyone, and no one does not know him, but Duanmuyi lives in seclusion these days, but few people know.

But soon, someone recalled what happened last time in Jin Shiju.

It was this girl who knocked Second Young Master Mo unconscious?
Wow, what courage!

"Threat me?" Duanmu smiled, his whole body was cold and powerful, "What are you!"

Mo Lingyu didn't know how to respond for a while, looking at Duanmuyi, he was a little annoyed, but also a little bit wanting to laugh, complicated emotions rushed to his brain, which made him miss the best time to react.

Duanmuyi had already reached the stairs, looked at the people on the first and second floors, and said slowly: "Listen up, Mr. Mo insists on saying that I am pregnant with pure blood. I don't know why he is so convinced. If anyone is as skeptical as he is, just try it!"

After she finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Mo Lingyu who was stunned, and spit out two words: "Idiot!"

Everyone was shocked!

Mo Lingyu's thoughts settled down, and his eyes were cold.

It has to be said that Duanmuyi's move of retreating into advance is really wonderful. After tonight, people who should be suspicious will focus on her.

In this way, even if he said that Duanmuyi was the owner of the pure blood essence in the future, it would not cause too much trouble.

He was about to go forward to save the defeat, when he suddenly heard a sneer from the third floor: "Really? Coincidentally, it seems that I am also the owner of the pure blood essence."

Everyone was in an uproar—this hot potato, why did you take it one or two tonight?

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look, and saw Dikongxuan and another tall man walking down the stairs together.

Di Kongxuan's eyes fell on her, and he immediately bent his lips, and smiled narrowly at her from an angle that no one else could see.

In an instant, the entire Jin Shiju seemed to light up.

If it was placed a few days ago, it would be very stupid to publicly say that you are the owner of the pure blood essence, because no matter whether it is true or not, there will always be a group of people who will come up to try to verify it.

But things in the world are often faded by time. It has been nearly two months since Shensha Auction House released the news. There have been hundreds of "suspected" owners, but none of them are real.Many of them are heirs of big families, but the results are not satisfactory.

So now, Duanmuyi and Dikongxuan declared that they are the owners of the pure blood essence, and everyone just looked at them more, no matter what their thoughts were, they just laughed it off.

"Could it be that the little teacher is moved by looking at me like this?" Di Kongxuan asked in a low voice.

The corner of Duanmuyi's mouth twitched, and he said immediately: "Yes, I'm so touched, do you want me to promise you with my body?"

Di Mingkun looked back at the two of them, frowned slightly, his face was cold and his aura was strong.

Duanmu said: "..."

Di Kongxuan looked straight, and looked at the opposite side with cold eyes.

The three men stood facing each other, all of them had excellent looks, but were equally arrogant and indifferent. For a while, the entire second floor of Jin Shiju was completely silent.

Mo Lingyu's plan was completely disrupted, and he couldn't figure out how to deal with it for a while, and was thinking about whether to simply confirm Duanmuyi's identity - no!He didn't have complete confidence, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Xuanye Academy, once Duanmuyi's identity was confirmed, all the tribes would come to grab him, so he might not have a chance of winning.

"Last time I heard from a buddy that the second young master of the Mo family was attacked in our Jin Shiju, and he wanted to come to the house to make an apology. Today we met by chance."

(End of this chapter)

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