Chapter 1691

On the third floor of Jinshi Residence, a door opened, and a young man in the uniform of Xuanye Academy leaned against the door, raised the wine glass in his hand, and gestured downward.

Seeing him appear, there were some whispers on the originally quiet second floor, most of which were girls' low-pitched screams.

When Mo Lingyu looked up and saw him, he knew that there was nothing he could do here today.

He sneered and walked in front of Duanmuyi.

Dikongxuan stretched out his hand, but pulled her behind him.

Mo Lingyu: "..."

"Very good." Mo Lingyu sneered, turned and left.

Duanmuyi looked across the stairs and was relieved to see that he had indeed left.

The man upstairs smiled slightly, turned around and went back to the room, and the door closed again.

Di Mingkun frowned, but never sent it down.

He said, "This guy..."

Duanmu looked at Dikongxuan in a daze.

Di Kongxuan was also at a loss, looking at Di Mingkun.

Di Mingkun said, "It's the boss of Jinshiju."

Di Kongxuan's expression changed slightly, and he asked, "Chen Yuan, the current patriarch of the Shensha Clan?"

Among the six major tribes, only the patriarch of the Shensha tribe is the younger generation, with iron and blood skills, and the three major industries under the name of the Shensha tribe - Shensha Auction House, Jinshiju, and silk weaving are well-organized and run against the Qingyue tribe , not falling behind.

Chen Yuan himself is also a modest and polite son of an aristocratic family. He is still unmarried and is the dream lover of all women in the whole continent.

"He's been there since the beginning. If he wanted to stop it, or apologize, he could have shown up long ago—oh, with his hypocritical nature, making an apology? He's lying to children." Di Mingkun raised the corner of his mouth. , said sarcastically.

Duanmuyi couldn't help but glanced at him.

Di Mingkun noticed it immediately, and asked indifferently, "What are you looking at?"

"..." Duanmuyi withdrew his gaze.

Di Kongxuan put his hand on her shoulder, and said calmly: "I'm fine here, you just said that the law enforcement team has something to do?"

Di Mingkun was speechless for a while, stretched out his finger and poked him in the air, turned around and left.

Duanmuyi slapped Dikongxuan's arm off, and was about to leave, but was stopped by Dikongxuan.

"Why are you in a hurry? Are you in a hurry to leave?"

"Aren't you going to stay for supper?" Duanmu asked.

Di Kongxuan took out his student card in a serious manner: "Since the date with the little teacher has failed, I wonder if I will be lucky enough to ask you out again?"

Duanmuyi looked at him seriously for a moment, then became discouraged.

Let's go, let's get angry with a person who has lost his memory!
After that night, Duan Muyi's life changed a little bit. No matter where she went, there were people looking at her. The malicious and probing eyes made her have to be a little more careful.

Fortunately, Yutingsong's medicine refining class soon entered into a semi-practical course, and Duanmuyi needed to prepare some medicinal materials or pills. Duanmuyi hid in Yutingsong's medicine refining room to reduce his chances of showing up in front of everyone.

After another week, Yu Tingsong suddenly put a jade tablet in front of her.

"This is?"

"What you want is the quota to enter the Spirit Hall." Yu Tingsong said with a smile.

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, his heart warmed slightly, and he accepted the jade plaque without being polite to him: "Thank you."

Yu Tingsong smiled softly, stood up and said, "I can't accompany you when you enter the Spirit Hall, so be careful yourself. I heard that the freshmen of the Dijiang Clan have a good relationship with you, try to go with him as much as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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