Chapter 1692

In the soul hall experience class for freshmen, according to the rules of Xuanye College, the seniors from the previous class lead the team, and the deputy dean is responsible for the whole process of protection, and the rest are not allowed to enter.

The turmoil caused by Duanmuyi a few days ago has not stopped, and the freshmen will definitely take this opportunity to test her, especially Mo Lingyu, and will not give up this opportunity.

Originally, Duanmuyi had no problem entering the Spirit Hall, but now it seems that there are many dangers.

But Yu Tingsong did not persuade her not to go.

This is also what Duanmuyi admired him.

He always gently embraces the people around him, and understands her, but never imposes his own thoughts on her.

Duanmuyi said: "Don't worry, I still want to be your teaching assistant."

Yu Tingsong knew that she knew what was on her mind, so she didn't say any more.

The next day Duanmuyi got up early as usual, and after meditating for an hour, he got up to have breakfast.After breakfast, she followed the team of freshmen and finally arrived at the tower of the Spirit Hall.

Seeing this high tower up close, Duanmuyi felt a little lost in his heart.

It seems that under the tower, all life is as small as dust, and she is so weak, as if a gust of wind can blow it away.

Duanmuyi quickly noticed something was wrong, the soul power in the sea of ​​consciousness overflowed gently and wrapped her up.

With a jolt, she woke up.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he met the eyes of the three people standing in front of the Spirit Hall.

The deputy dean standing in the middle seemed a little surprised, chatted with the two people on the left and right, and then laughed.

Duanmuyi's scalp was a little numb - standing on the left of the vice president was Mo Chengyu, the eldest son of the Mo family who had a quick glance that day, and standing on the right was Chen Yuan, the patriarch of the Shensha clan .

It seems that these are the two seniors leading the team this year?

"Everyone new students!" A voice full of spiritual power rang in everyone's ears, and the vice president's eyes swept over them, so everyone woke up from the bewildered mood.

The vice president chuckled: "This is just a small test for everyone from the Hall of Spirits. It's normal for everyone to fall into the trick unprepared—but!"

His expression changed, and he said seriously: "This is just a small amount of power overflowing from the Spirit Hall. After entering the Spirit Hall, you may be affected by this powerful spiritual consciousness anytime and anywhere, and your mind will be in chaos."

The freshmen whispered to the people around them one after another, and the scene was extremely noisy for a while.

When Mo Chengyu raised his eyes, the black spiritual energy in his palm was swallowed, and a strong coercion was released from him, only to hear him say coldly: "Shut up!"

What a powerful force!
Duanmu couldn't help being more vigilant.

With Mo Lingyu's kind of ruthless and merciless generation, it can be seen the Mohist's method of educating their sons, so how can this Mohist eldest son be any better?

What's more, Mo Chengyu's Spirit Hall ranks fifth, and he is basically invincible in Xuanye College.

The freshmen fell silent, and then heard the vice president say: "But everyone, don't worry, as long as you don't mess with the things in the Spirit Hall, you will be safe with me and two senior brothers watching over you."

Duanmuyi subconsciously looked for Di Kongxuan's figure in the freshman group, but behind him there was a hand on her shoulder, and he chuckled softly, "Little teacher, are you looking for me?"

Duanmuyi turned his head to look, and saw that the man who was close at hand was Fengshen, handsome, with a charming smile.

She was inexplicably relieved, even though she knew that he didn't remember who she was now, she still felt at ease because he was by her side.

(End of this chapter)

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