Chapter 1693

"Hello classmate, are you brother Kongxuan's rumored girlfriend?" A handsome young man squeezed over from the side, holding a little milk dog in his arms.

Duanmu Yi slightly raised his eyebrows: "Gossip Girl?"

"The story about you in Jinshiju has already spread. How many lovely girls have been heartbroken by Brother Kongxuan defending you so much." The man smiled and stretched out his hand, "Hello, my name is Lan Yao, from the Canghai tribe. , is brother Kongxuan's roommate!"

Duanmuyi was about to shake hands with him, but was cut off halfway by Dikongxuan.

He patted Lan Yao's hand away, slightly disgusted: "Have you washed your hands?"

Lan Yao rubbed the soul pet's head and explained: "This, this is my soul pet, Diu Diu, who is very obedient, doesn't bite, and is also very clean..."

Duanmuyi pursed his lips and smiled, raised his hand to touch the spirit pet's chin, the little milk dog raised his head comfortably, and whimpered twice.

"My name is Duanmuyi, a member of the Baicao tribe."

She concealed her identity everywhere and did not tell others her real name, but since Lan Yao was Di Kongxuan's friend, she naturally chose to trust him.

Di Kongxuan glanced at Lan Yao, Lan Yao understood, and raised his hand to swipe his mouth to show that he was tight-lipped.

Di Kongxuan said with some taste: "This is the first time I know your name."

Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows: "Oh? I thought you would call my name every night in your dreams."

Di Kongxuan: "..."

Lan Yao: "..."

Lan Yao covered her mouth to keep herself from laughing out loud, but she still felt that Di Kongxuan, who had been aloof all these days, was being drawn into the mortal world for the first time, tainted by fireworks.

"And——" Duanmu Yi was about to continue, when a person squeezed beside him.

The man raised his hand and put it on her shoulder naturally, Qingyue smiled: "Coincidentally, I met you."

Duanmuyi turned his head to look, slightly surprised: "Jiang... Mr. Jiang."

Jiang Shao bent the corners of his lips and said, "You can just call me Jiang Shao. The Shengling clan and the Baicao clan have the same interests in Yongxiu, so girls don't have to be so alien."

Lan Yao greeted him, who was not familiar with him, and did not talk much.

Young Master Jiang nodded lightly, but turned his gaze to Di Kongxuan who was at the side: "Brother Kongxuan, long time no see."

Di Kongxuan raised his hand, as if he wanted to shake hands with him.Jiang Shao smiled slightly and stretched out his hand.

However, in the next second, Di Kongxuan's hands crossed him, pulling Duanmuyi out of his embrace, and pulling him behind him.

Duanmu hesitated for a moment.

Then I heard him say, "Let's go."

Sure enough, the team began to move forward slowly, the gate of the Spirit Hall had been opened, Mo Chengyu went somewhere, and Chen Yuan stood at the gate to check the jade cards of each new student.

The two of them brushed past Jiang Shao, Duanmuyi only felt a prick all over his body, very uncomfortable.

Young Master Jiang's aura... was full of hostility.

Duanmuyi didn't know who the hostility was aimed at, but she had an intuition that it was aimed at her.

A ridiculous thought came to Duanmuyi's mind - could it be...

"What are you thinking!" Di Kongxuan patted her on the shoulder.

Duanmuyi came back to his senses, took out the jade token and handed it over.Chen Yuan glanced at it and let it go.

When she walked past the vice president, the vice president smiled and said to her, "You're not bad."

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, thinking that she was not a freshman and couldn't go in, but later realized that the vice president probably said something more because she woke up from the influence of the Spirit Hall just now.

(End of this chapter)

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