Chapter 1694

After entering the Spirit Hall, except for the slightly lower temperature, I didn't feel any pressure.

Everyone was worried at first, but gradually relaxed, and still had the leisure to chat and laugh with the people around them.

"Miss Duanmu, what did you want to say just now?" Lan Yao approached again.

Duanmuyi smiled slightly, with a charming expression, and said in a low voice: "What I want to say is——and, I'm not his rumored girlfriend..."

Lan Yao was about to speak, when she continued: "—I am his wife."

"..." Lan Yao suddenly felt thunderbolt.

He looked at Duanmuyi tremblingly, and felt that this woman was extremely fierce. When other female classmates were still secretly in love, she dared to say that she was Dikongxuan's wife?

This is the gap!

"Admiration, admiration!" Lan Yao cupped her fists.

Di Kongxuan couldn't take it anymore, and walked forward quickly.

Lan Yao shouted: "Brother Kongxuan, wait—"

"Loud noise is prohibited in the Spirit Hall." Mo Chengyu's voice suddenly rang in everyone's ears, and everyone looked up, only to see him appearing on the second floor.

Mo Chengyu's haughty eyes swept across the crowd, and he said immediately: "Use the tripod as the center line, go upstairs from both sides, and then Chen Yuan and I will lead the teams separately, and finally meet at the top of the tower."

The cauldron on the first floor emitted a bright light, which automatically divided the crowd into two parts.

Duanmuyi stepped sideways slightly to get out of the way of the light, and at the same time moved himself into Dikongxuan's first team.Lan Yao didn't go in time and was rowed to the other side.

Walking up the stairs, Duanmuyi carefully observed the structure of the Spirit Hall, and was shocked to find that there was no connection in the entire Spirit Hall!
All the stairs, tables and chairs, screens, and carvings are all done in one go.

In other words, this spirit hall was carved out of a huge piece of solid wood!

The pagoda of the Spirit Hall has nine floors, which is similar in structure to the Ninth Pagoda I saw in the Black League in the past. However, it is probably the only one in the world to carve a pagoda with one piece of wood!
The powerful spiritual consciousness spoken by the vice president has not fluctuated so far. Duanmu didn't dare to release his soul power rashly, so he went to observe the carvings on the corridor.

"Outside the Territory." Beside him, Di Kongxuan's voice sounded softly.

Duanmuyi knew that he was walking next to him, but it didn't mean it. After looking at it for a while, he asked, "So it's a spirit tree from outside the territory. Under the hands of the last extraordinary powerhouse, it became a spirit palace tower?"

Di Kongxuan hummed, his gaze fell to one place, and he froze slightly.

"...Eternal Life Fire." Duanmu Yi also saw there, the fire was vividly ignited on the wooden brazier, and people and beasts gathered around the brazier and knelt down.

Dikongxuan's purpose is to find the eternal fire, so as to find his lost memory.

The Everlasting Flame finally appeared in front of his eyes in a form of engraving, but he didn't sense any aura.

Where is the eternal fire?

Duanmuyi didn't notice the change in his expression. In front of her, a student tried to push a door in the corridor.

Chen Yuan said behind everyone: "Student, please don't touch anything, okay?"

Everyone made way for him. He walked to the front, smiled friendlyly with every freshman passing by, and finally patted the student's hand, saying: "Every room has an owner, without the owner's permission. Is it not good to just go in without authorization?"

"Is it the training room of the top ten in front of the Spirit Hall?" Someone asked.

Chen Yuan nodded approvingly: "Smart. In addition, some of the exercises in the Xuanye Continent are hidden for many years, some are elixir, and some rooms are weapons."

(End of this chapter)

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