Chapter 1695

"Can't we visit?" the man asked again.

Chen Yuan smiled modestly, but said lightly: "No. In the future, if any of you can enter the top ten rankings, you can enter and exit any room here at will."

"Senior Brother Chen Yuan, what is your ranking?"

"Ninth." Chen Yuan paused, then smiled, "My ranking is relatively low, everyone is interested, welcome to challenge me at any time."

The freshmen each laughed and followed Chen Yuan in.

Duanmuyi and Dikongxuan were at the back, still studying those carvings.

"Interesting." Duanmuyi said, "I found that the people in Xuanye Academy are very interesting."

Di Kongxuan glanced at her, but did not speak.

"Including you." Duanmu smiled, "But you have always been an interesting person."

Dikongxuan's heart skipped a beat, and he asked calmly, "So we knew each other before?"

"Naturally. I just said that I am your wife." Duanmuyi replied.

The freshman team in front walked up to the third floor, and the two had just stepped on the stairs.As the noise faded away, Duanmuyi felt a strange feeling in his heart.

It seemed that the space of the Spirit Hall expanded infinitely, turning into an empty universe, everything died out, the stars turned into dust, and in the dark space, only she and him stood on the suspended stairs.

In an instant, the stairs also began to collapse.

not good!

Duanmuyi struggled to regain his senses - he was attacked by that powerful spiritual consciousness without knowing it!
Di Kongxuan's soul power was not as strong as hers, but he also broke free quickly. The two looked at each other, jumped up in the air at the same time, and rushed towards the third floor.

Above the stairs, a ball of fire appeared without warning.

Immortal fire!
The long-lived fire ball came chasing after the two of them as if they were alive.

Duanmu said: "Spiritual fire!"

Di Kongxuan: "You are crazy, the temperature of the spiritual fire will burn this place!"

Duanmuyi: "Then what should I do!"

The two ran along the corridor on the third floor for a long time, turned several corners, but did not see the team led by Chen Yuan. This space must have been affected by some mysterious force.

The long-lived fire group followed closely behind the two of them, like a mad dog, chasing very ferociously!
"Why is it chasing us!" Duanmuyi was going crazy.

"How would I know!" Di Kongxuan was also going crazy.

The interior of the spirit hall was too weird, neither of them dared to use their spiritual power without authorization, and finally a wooden ladder leading to the fourth floor appeared before Duanmuyi, but Duanmuyi tripped over a protrusion on the ground.

Seeing that the fire ball was about to hit her, Di Kongxuan involuntarily stretched out his hand towards her, and pulled her into his arms, the two of them fell on the stairs at the same time.

The ball of fire hit Di Kongxuan's shoulder so loudly, Duanmuyi's flustered look fell into his eyes, reminding him of something in a trance, and the sea of ​​consciousness stirred for a while, but it caused him a headache.

Duanmuyi said something, but Dikongxuan couldn't hear anything because of his headache.

She stretched out her hand, and the palm was full of blood.

Dikongxuan's head was dizzy and fell on Duanmuyi's shoulder.

"Di Kongxuan!" Duanmuyi gritted his teeth and dragged him up. With a wave of his sleeve, the silver spiritual power built a barrier in front of her, preventing the leader from lighting a fire.

However, the use of spiritual power seemed to have triggered some kind of restriction, and a low sigh resounded from the entire spiritual hall, and a powerful soul pressure came from the top of the tower, and instantly pressed on Duanmuyi's back like a huge stone.

(End of this chapter)

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