Chapter 1696

Duanmuyi only felt that his sea of ​​consciousness was in turmoil, and the soul power he was proud of couldn't compete with it at all. Finally, he hugged Di Kongxuan and bumped towards the side, but he didn't see where it was, he just bumped away in a daze. The door opened, and the two fell inside together.

The door closed silently.

After a while, a person came slowly from the depths of the corridor and stopped by the door.The man stood there for a while, then left without a sound. The hem of the brocade-woven clothes fluttered lightly, and the ball of immortal fire dissipated in the air.

Dikongxuan's consciousness was ups and downs in a piece of icy cold water.

There are thousands of incomparably ferocious forces in the water, each of which is tearing his meridians, the blood is stirred and boiled, and then it seems to be frozen.

A red light flashed in front of his eyes, but he couldn't tell whether it was a human figure or bloody water, his eardrum was tingling, and his chest and abdomen felt nauseous.

He tried his best to get out of the water, trying to see the red light and shadow clearly, but saw a snow-white back.

With black hair and jade muscles, his thin shoulders formed a rounded arc, and his soft arms stretched out from the water, landing on his neck with moist drops of water.

……who is it?
Di Kongxuan opened his eyes wide to see clearly, but the harder he tried, the more blurred he became.

His throat was dry and he opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

A moment later, a soft touch fell on his lips.

This touch was so real, it aroused the throbbing deep in Dikongxuan's memory.

His eyes went dark, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw the woman's closed eyes stopped in front of him, her eyelashes were thick and curly, but he seemed to see the tenderness and agility when she opened her eyes.

A wave of spiritual energy came from her mouth, and after an unknown amount of time, her complexion turned pale.

Di Kongxuan raised his hand, and pressed the back of her head in a mysterious way.

Duanmuyi's movements were interrupted, he opened his eyes suddenly, and wanted to retreat, but he held him firmly.

"Since the little teacher is so active..."

Di Kongxuan's breath was close in front of his eyes, still carrying that cold breath, so familiar that Duanmu Yi's heart trembled, and he wanted to rush forward desperately.

But rationality controlled her, and she stepped aside slightly.

"When you wake up, get up and do business."

Di Kongxuan's eyes were ambiguous: "Oh? Apart from you, I can't think of anything I can't do."

The corner of Duanmuyi's eyes twitched - every time she confronts him, she is always the one who gets molested. Why is this guy's seduction skills getting more and more hidden.

"Student Di, please turn your head to see where we are now." Duanmuyi patted his cheek.

Di Kongxuan subconsciously wanted to dodge, but the woman's fragrance was everywhere, so he didn't dodge, allowing her to slap his side face.

Wherever it reaches, it is soft and soft.

He bent his knees a little and found himself damn reacting.

Turning his head in a little embarrassment, Di Kongxuan looked at the dark room where the two were.The layout is extremely simple, a wooden couch, a wooden table, and a dead branch of wintersweet on the table. The table area is covered with a thick layer of dust, and it seems that no one has come for a long time.

Could it be the training room of one of the top ten powerhouses in the Spirit Hall?
He moved his body, and the place on his back where the regiment leader fired the fire still hurt. Fortunately, he seemed to be used to this kind of injury, and he stood up after getting used to it.

Duanmuyi's sea of ​​consciousness was hit hard by the coercion of the soul, and he was still groggy at the moment, but he also stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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