Chapter 1697

Dikongxuan held a purple-gold aura in his palm, illuminating the dark room.

The two stopped at the same time and looked into the corner warily.Duanmu Yi quickly pinched out the finger formula, but was pressed down by Di Kongxuan.


Hearing this, Duanmuyi loosened his spiritual power, but he was still on guard.

In the corner lay a man in black, already dead.

"Who is this person?" A question popped up in the minds of both of them at the same time.

Duanmuyi knelt down, turned over the corpse with spiritual power from the air, and said immediately: "It's been at least a month since I died...It's strange that there is no rotten smell."

Di Kongxuan's eyes scanned the dark room carefully, and said, "It's not surprising, this corpse was put in after being treated by someone."

"How to say?"

"The ground." Di Kongxuan pointed, "There is dust on the table and the bed, but there is only a little dust on the ground, which means that someone left a trace when they put the corpse in, so they simply wiped all the dust on the ground." Cleaned up."

"Is it possible to be the owner of this training room?" Duanmu Yi asked.

After thinking about it, Di Kongxuan shook his head.

"It's unlikely. There are a total of nine of the top ten powerhouses in the Hall of Spirits, and they all have a list. Any death or disappearance of one of them will cause a sensation."

Duanmu noticed someone: "Could it be the mysterious second? No one knows who is the second in the Spirit Hall. If that person dies, no one will know, right?"

Di Kongxuan used his spiritual power to transform into a long sword, and lifted the clothes off the corpse.

A gourd carved from black jade rolled out and hit Duanmuyi's feet.

Duanmu said: "..."

She looked at the black jade gourd, her mind went blank for a moment.

But she quickly realized that although the corpse's face was swollen and deformed, it was obviously not what Mo Zhanfeng looked like.

This black jade gourd——

"You recognize this thing?" Di Kongxuan asked.

Duanmuyi raised his head and glanced at him, and immediately responded, "Mix tribe."

Di Kongxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, lost in thought.

Duanmuyi was also thinking quickly, the black jade gourd was obviously not only owned by Mo Zhanfeng, maybe everyone in the Mo clan had it, similar to a family keepsake?So is this man in black a member of the Mo tribe?

This is not the scene of the first crime, so where is the scene of the first crime?
In the Spirit Hall?Or somewhere else?

Could this man in black be the one who stole the mysterious scroll and caused it to flow into Shensha Auction House?
"The time of death happened to be the eve of the start of school." Di Kongxuan said, "This person has something to do with the Shensha Auction House."

Duanmuyi frowned and said, "Isn't it too hasty to make such a judgment?"

"You may not know that for intruders who don't have jade tokens, it's easy to enter and difficult to exit." Di Kongxuan said, "or in other words, you can enter but you can't exit."

Duanmuyi was stunned.

Dikong said calmly: "So, no matter what method this person uses to get in, he can't get out. He can only die here."

"Is it impossible that someone killed him outside and brought him here?" Duanmuyi asked.

Di Kongxuan bent his lips: "Where do you think the Spirit Hall is? Any evil things will not be allowed to be brought in."

Duanmuyi deeply felt that he was ignorant - the two of them ascended at the same time, Di Kongxuan knew so many things in just two months, it was really depressing.

"But if it was him, then he died here, how did the scroll get out?" Duanmuyi murmured, "Unless..."

(End of this chapter)

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