Chapter 1698

Di Kongxuan said: "Unless he has an accomplice, and he is the one who has the jade card."

"College teacher? Or the top ten?"

"There is another question. Why did you put him in this stone room? Why... happened to be seen by us?" Duanmuyi then asked the question.

Di Kongxuan looked at her and chuckled lightly: "Little teacher, it's not a good thing to be too eager for knowledge."

Duanmu said: "..."

Di Kongxuan looked around the stone room, and said, "Someone sparked the Longevity Fire and deliberately lured us here—don't ask why, and find a way to get out first."

Duanmuyi, who was about to open his mouth, could only keep his doubts in his heart, and followed him to find a way out.

It was a small dark room with wooden walls on all sides, without any joints, and no doors or windows could be found.

Duanmu couldn't remember how he got in at that time.

It seemed as if he saw a door, and just bumped into it casually.

Can you see the door from the outside but not the inside?
"It's a special kind of restriction." Di Kongxuan said.

"How to break?"

But Di Kongxuan walked to the side of the bed, swept away the dust with a wave of his sleeves, then turned around and lay down on the bed, raised his hand behind his head, and closed his eyes leisurely.

Duanmuyi came back after walking around twice, seeing that he had just fallen asleep like this, he was speechless for a moment.

"Do you have the consciousness of being trapped!"

"What's the rush?" Di Kongxuan said lazily, "We are missing, and the vice president will naturally send someone to look for us."

"What if you don't come?" Duanmu Yi asked expressionlessly.

Di Kongxuan opened his eyes, put his hand on the side of his face, and smiled like an evildoer: "If you don't come, you will live in the same quilt and die in the same hole with the little teacher. It will be a pleasure."

Looking at his smile, Duanmuyi wanted to cry spinelessly.

Such a high-spirited smile, so familiar, like a spring breeze blowing over the ice, like a cloud passing through the sky, is so close at hand, yet makes her feel out of reach.

What pretended to be a strong line of defense was defeated by this smile in an instant. In an instant, huge waves surged into the sky, the dam collapsed, and the wild flood flooded her overwhelmingly, making her unable to breathe.

Di Kongxuan froze on the couch.

"You, why are you crying..."

Her teary eyes made his heart ache, his sea of ​​consciousness was in turmoil, countless fragments of memories seemed to be pulled together by a force, but like a magnet repelling each other, they were pushed away by another more domineering force. open.

Duanmuyi looked at him and murmured: "Di Kongxuan, you bastard."

"..." Di Kongxuan was labeled as a bastard for no reason, and felt wronged.

He sighed and stepped forward: "Don't cry."

Duanmuyi blinked and raised his hand to wipe away his tears.

"I didn't lie to you, this room is restricted, people inside can't get out, they can only wait for people outside to come and rescue them." Di Kongxuan said, "Why don't you calm down and see if you can sense the Everlasting Flame."

The longevity fire in the Spirit Hall can help people cultivate and enhance their soul power. Naturally, no one wants to miss such a rare opportunity.

Duanmu walked to the side of the bed resentfully, sat down cross-legged, and entered into a state of meditation.

Di Kongxuan stared at her face for a long time, trying to find bits and pieces about her from his blank memory, but he still found nothing.

After an unknown amount of time, a faint voice came from outside: "Di Kongxuan! Are you here!"

Duanmuyi opened his eyes.

Di Kongxuan stood in front of a wall with his hands behind his back, and when he heard movement behind him, he said, "Don't make any noise."

(End of this chapter)

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