Chapter 1699

"?" Duanmu was at a loss, "Don't you call for help?"

Di Kongxuan frowned slightly, and said with some disgust: "The person is wrong."

Duanmuyi listened for a while: "It's Young Master Jiang from the Shengling Clan. Do you have any trouble with him?"

"No." Di Kongxuan paused, and said, "Young Master Jiang is not on our team, wait a minute."

The two waited for a while, and heard voices outside.

"still none?"

"No answer."

"Go to the third floor and have a look."

Duanmuyi quickly patted the wall: "Yutingsong? Is that you!"

Di Kongxuan's expression suddenly became colorful, and an indescribable irritability welled up in his heart.

Outside the door, Yu Tingsong's voice came closer: "Are you in? Is Di Kongxuan in?"

"Yes, we are all here." Duanmu agreed.

"Back back, I'll open the door." Yu Tingsong said.

Duanmuyi heaved a sigh of relief, took half a step back, but bumped into the arms of the person behind him.

Di Kongxuan leaned against the wall with one hand, hugged her from behind with the other hand, lowered his head, and exhaled hot air from her right ear: "Shhh—"

Duanmuyi was stunned, the hot air blew past his ears, and his whole body was numb.


"After the little teacher goes out, what's the plan?"

"What..." Duanmuyi suddenly opened his eyes wide, and moved his legs in embarrassment.
She has been married to him for many years, how can she not know what this means.

Because of this, I am even more ashamed.

Di Kongxuan took a deep breath and let it out slowly, his voice was low and trembling slightly, trying his best to endure the terrible feeling: "What a pity."

"Ah?" Duanmu was at a loss.

Yu Tingsong pushed the door and asked, "Are you pushing against the door? Move back a little."

Duanmuyi's face flushed red.

However, Di Kongxuan did not retreat, he was still lying on her back, his whole body was burning hot, the hand on her waist, the breath in her ear, the hot chest behind her...

Duanmuyi said tremblingly: "Di"

The tall man behind her didn't answer her again, Duanmuyi only felt his back sink, and then Dikongxuan slid towards the ground.

Duanmuyi exclaimed, turned around and hugged him.

At the last moment, Duanmuyi stuck out his finger out of nowhere, and put the dead body in the corner together with the black jade gourd into his spirit ring.

The door was pushed open.

Dazzling light poured in from outside, a group of people swarmed in, Duanmuyi closed his eyes, feeling that he was being pushed away and then supported, some of the crowd couldn't stand firmly, and finally he was half supported and half hugged on the ground out of here.

The clear and cool air was inhaled into the lungs, and Duanmuyi's mind became slightly clearer.

Yu Tingsong helped her to sit down by the corridor, raised her hand to press her wrist veins, and after a while, a burst of spiritual power entered, and said immediately: "Your sea of ​​consciousness has been attacked, what's going on?"

"I don't know..." Duanmu felt dizzy, waved his hands, leaned against the fence behind him, and closed his eyes wearily.

In front of the two of them, a sub-unit of the Law Enforcement Team, led by Di Mingkun, stormed into the Spirit Hall aggressively.

The dispute between Di Mingkun and Young Master Jiang was heard from afar, and after a while, Di Mingkun came out with Di Kongxuan on his back, and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

After a moment of silence, Yu Tingsong said, "Go back and rest?"

Duanmu nodded.

After the two returned to the courtyard, Yu Tingsong handed her a elixir that warms and nourishes the power of the soul, and told her to rest well.

(End of this chapter)

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