Chapter 1700

Duanmuyi closed the door and collapsed on the bed, but couldn't fall asleep.

The word of intercession is really poisonous, his every move can shake all her mind, and she can't rest for a moment.

After lying in a daze for an unknown amount of time, there was a knocking sound from the rear window.

Duanmuyi turned over, sat up suddenly, and opened the window.

Xiao Baozi raised his face with difficulty, and when he saw her figure, he just smiled sweetly and grabbed the window sill, "Mother, help me!"

"..." Duanmuyi stretched out his hand to catch his son, and directly lifted him into the room, "Why did you make yourself so dirty!"

Di Dudu patted the dirt and dust on his chest, and said, "I was lying under Daddy's bed and eavesdropping. I only slipped over when Daddy fell asleep."

"How is your father?" Duanmu asked.

"It is said that the viscera was burned by the longevity fire, and it needs to be recuperated for a few days. The vice president went to see it in person, and granted father a five-day vacation."

Since the vice president also went to see it, there must be no big problem, and the Dijiang clan will try their best to make Di Kongxuan recover.

Duanmuyi heaved a sigh of relief, took off his son's clothes, and stuffed him under the quilt.

"Stay here obediently, and I'll boil some hot water for you to take a bath."

Di Dudu nestled obediently under the quilt, showing a furry head, and nodded.

That's great, my mother must be very worried about my father, I'm such a caring little padded jacket.Di Dudu was hiding from Lehe by himself, and suddenly touched and touched, and found a gourd.

He took it out from the corner of the bed, the gourd was as big as his little hand, the whole body was black, crystal clear, very beautiful.

He held it in his hand, shook it, and the gourd only had a hole the size of a pinhole, and there was nothing inside.

Di Dudu fixed his eyes on the small hole, only to find that the radiance inside the gourd turned out to be a colorful black.

Suddenly, a strong suction erupted from the black jade gourd, and Didudu was caught off guard, and his consciousness was sucked into it immediately.

Di Dudu was still young, his soul power was only at the elementary level, and his spiritual power was useless here. Just when he was thinking of dying, a group of icy invisible power supported his consciousness.


His spiritual sense sensed the space inside the black jade gourd.

The space is huge, larger than the reach of his consciousness. Didudu heard his mother describe some magical spirits.

Such as the spirit ring, which can open up a second space inside for storage.Some higher-level ones, such as the domain of the spiritual fire of the domain, can slow down the flow of time and help people cultivate.The top one is the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm, where mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, and rare and exotic animals are everywhere.

This black jade gourd can hold spiritual consciousness, and it looks more advanced than the spiritual ring, but I don't know if it can be cultivated.

Di Dudu wanted to try, so he tried to control his spiritual consciousness, and began to practice according to the formula for cultivating soul power that Duan Muyi taught him in his memory.

Just when the formula was running for a week, the ubiquitous cold aura in the black jade gourd began to infiltrate towards Di Dudu, gradually turning into a lingering ice mist.

As soon as he touched it, Di Dudu's little face turned pale.

not good!This force actually wanted to eat away at his spiritual consciousness!

Duanmuyi came in with a basin of hot water, and suddenly felt something was wrong.The temperature in the house dropped to freezing point, and the tea on the table had already frosted!
(End of this chapter)

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