Chapter 1701

She immediately put down the sink and ran to the bed, and sure enough, the little bun on the bed was already pale and trembling.

And in his hand, he was only holding the black jade gourd!

"Duddu!" Duanmuyi cried out worriedly, suddenly realized something, her brows moved slightly, and powerful soul power spread out, enveloping her room.

She sat on the bed, hugged Di Dudu into her arms, and immediately pressed her palm against his forehead, forcibly integrating her soul power into his spiritual consciousness.

This is the only soul technique that poses no threat to the recipient, but the caster will suffer serious backlash. However, the situation is urgent, and Duanmuyi has no choice.

In the space of the black jade gourd, Didudu's spiritual consciousness had already frozen into ice, and those icy auras flung their teeth and claws at the ice, making weird laughter.

As soon as Duanmuyi's soul power came in, it instantly turned into countless ivy, dragging Didudu's spiritual consciousness to his back.

Her soul power has reached a high level, and she can take human form. At this time, she is holding Didudu's spiritual consciousness in one hand, trying to melt the ice layer on it, and controlling her own ivy with the other hand, blowing the icy ice in all directions. The breath is blocked.

"Son, can you hear me!"

"Mother... dear..." Didudu's weak voice sounded in her ears.

Duanmuyi heaved a sigh of relief, melted away the last bit of ice, and put the group of weak spiritual consciousness on his shoulders. Immediately, with a flick of his palm, the ivy turned into countless sharp arrows, piercing away the escaping icy breath.

"Hurry up, mother will avenge you." Duanmuyi said.

Who knew that Di Dudu said, "Don't..."

Duanmuyi's soul power was several times stronger than the icy aura in the black jade gourd, and he was sure of victory. He was about to kill them all, but when he heard what Di Dudu said, he stopped his movements.

Didudu's spiritual consciousness flew up from her shoulders and landed in front of Duanmuyi's green vines.

"Mother, do you have a way to refine this breath?" Di Dudu asked.

Duanmu understood immediately, but he didn't quite agree.

It's just that Di Dudu is very weak now, so he can't stay too long, so he said, "Let's go out first."

She bent her fingers slightly, sucked Didudu's spiritual consciousness, and immediately exited the space of the black jade gourd, returning to their bodies.

Duanmuyi opened his eyes, his face was a little sallow, the little bun in his arms moaned uncomfortably, and opened his eyes too.


Duanmu hugged him distressedly: "It's my mother's fault, she shouldn't leave such a dangerous thing here. How do you feel now?"

"Dizzy." Di Dudu shook his head.

Duanmu held him down, took out the pill that Yutingsong gave her from his bosom, and stuffed it into Didudu's mouth: "Hey, be obedient, eat this, and then sleep."

Di Dudu swallowed the elixir and fell into a drowsy sleep.

Duanmu laid him flat, tucked the corner of the quilt, picked up the black jade gourd on the bed, turned around and went out to knock on the door opposite.

Yu Tingsong was studying a book of Annotations to the Classic of Baicao, when he heard the knock on the door, he put on his clothes and got up.

"Duanmu..." Before Yu Tingsong could speak, she saw Duanmuyi slid to the ground against the door, and quickly reached out to help her, only to find that she was drenched in sweat.

"Didn't you take the medicine?!" Yu Tingsong knew at the first touch that this was the result of her being backlashed by the power of the soul. She was startled and angry, and her usual gentle tone couldn't help but be a little bit heavier.

(End of this chapter)

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