Chapter 1704

Seeing that he was about to shift the battlefield to hot dishes, a bowl of fish soup noodles was placed in front of him.

The clerk stared at him murderously and said: "Our boss said that the small shop is not as good as the dining room of the Qingyue Clan. Mr. Yue likes to eat. If you don't want to eat, please go downstairs and turn left. Thank you."

Yue Rushuang closed her mouth obediently, with a heroic face, she picked up a piece of noodles and stuffed it into her mouth.

Duanmuyi asked for a small bowl, swept a few wontons from Didudu's bowl into his own bowl, and put some noodles into the small bowl for Didudu to try.

The mother and son finished their breakfast quietly and happily.

Duanmuyi asked the staff to help pack an extra portion of fish soup noodles.

Yue Rushuang looked at her with some interest.

"Is the noodles sticky to the teeth? Pick your teeth?" Duan Muyi handed him a box of toothpicks.

Yue Rushuang: "...My dear son, let's go."

Di Dudu was reluctant to part with Duanmuyi, but knowing that he could not reveal his identity, he jumped on Yue Rushuang's back and asked him to carry him on his back.

"Young Master Yue, remember to pay the bill." Duanmuyi reminded.

Yue Rushuang staggered a bit.

Duanmuyi waited for a while, the man handed her the packed fish soup noodles, and she just walked towards Jiashe.

Most of Jiashe are freshmen, and it is still quiet after school.It wasn't until they reached the entrance of Zihe Courtyard that there was a vague conversation inside.

Raise your hand and knock on the door.

After a while, a person came and opened the door.

Lan Yao said pleasantly: "Ah! It's you!"

Duanmuyi had already been said so by the third person today, fearing that his next sentence would be "please come from the inside of the hero", so he walked in first without waiting for him to speak.

"Why didn't you go to class?"

Lan Yao followed her and chirped, "I asked the vice president for a day off, because I was afraid that Brother Di would not be taken care of. He is in better spirits today, but he still can't get up. Now that you are here, I will take care of you." Going to sell vacation."

As he spoke, he turned his feet and entered his room. After packing up his things, he ran away again.

Duanmu said: "..."

Pushing open the door and walking into Di Kongxuan's room, there was a scent of medicine.The window was opened two fingers wide, and a thin wind blew in, blowing away the fragrance of the medicine bit by bit.

Behind the screen, Di Kongxuan was lying on the bed and flipping through a book. The quilt only covered his back, revealing his strong back wrapped in bandages.

He seemed a little thirsty, stretched out his hand to reach for the teacup next to him, stretched out his long arms, touching the wound on his back, and frowned slightly.

Duanmuyi stood aside and became a nympho, thinking that he looks so good-looking even when he frowns.

"I told you to go to class—" Di Kongxuan thought that the person who came was Lan Yao, but when he turned his head and saw Duan Muyi, he became hoarse and hurried to pull his quilt, his exquisite facial features were distorted for a moment, and he was a little speechless : "Lan Yao!"

Duanmuyi stepped forward, tugged his quilt tenderly, and said, "He's gone to class."

Di Kongxuan: "..."

"I brought you Jin Shiju's fish soup noodles." Duan Muyi put it down, took a medicine bowl from the side, saw that it was clean, filled half a bowl of noodles and handed it to him.

When Di Kongxuan woke up early in the morning, he had no appetite and didn't want to eat anything. Now seeing this bowl of noodles, he felt really hungry.

He glanced at Duanmuyi, propped his chin and said: "Little teacher, you are so kind to me, don't you really like me?"

Duanmuyi raised her eyes and looked at him: "I thought it was you who fell in love with me."

(End of this chapter)

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