Chapter 1705


"Do I need to remind you? In the darkroom of the Lingdian, what is that thing you are holding on to my waist?" Duanmuyi's eyes showed a narrow smile.

Di Kongxuan was speechless, and after a while, he whispered: " are still not a girl! No matter how you say this, you are not ashamed or ashamed!"

As he spoke by himself, even the roots of his ears turned red.

It can be seen that although molesting her is usually clever, at this time, he who has lost his memory is just a noob, far less than Duanmuyi's rank.

"Eat noodles." Duanmuyi picked up a chopstick of noodles and fed him.

Di Kongxuan's appetite was great, he ate all the noodles, even drank the soup, and finally felt that the back injury was not so painful.

"What medicine did you use?" Duanmu asked.

Di Kongxuan moved his body, and said: "The pharmacy opened it, who knows what kind of medicine it is, and said that it will be able to go to the ground tomorrow."

The longevity fire is very strange. Although it is not as lethal as the spirit fire, it is corrosive. If it gets a little bit of it, it will go straight through the viscera. In severe cases, the meridians will be cut off, which is very difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, Di Kongxuan was not the first person in history to be attacked by the Longevity Flame, and there was always an elixir in the academy, so it just made him suffer for a few days.

After tidying up the dishes, Duanmu didn't want to disturb Dikongxuan, went to the yard by himself, sat down under the tree, and silently recited the formula Yu Tingsong gave her to exercise his soul power.

The sun is abundant today, and although the weather is getting colder, the sky is clear and the sky is clear and open.

Seen from Di Kongxuan's perspective, the window frame is a picture scroll, tall and tall Ruomu trees with green leaves and red flowers, like a beautiful brocade.Under the tree, the woman in plain clothes and white clothes, with a serene smile, her face surpassing all things, was deeply engraved in his eyes.

For the next three days, Duanmuyi came over to deliver meals as usual. After eating, the two of them went to do their own things. Duanmuyi improved his soul power, while Dikongxuan read a book or meditated. It was as if time had returned to the past. The days of penance in the field.

On the last day of the five-day holiday, Di Kongxuan basically recovered, and was fully dressed before Duanmu Yi came.

He decided to go out with that funny little teacher today.

However, he waited and waited, but no one came.


Duanmuyi stood at the edge of the classroom, covering his mouth and yawning.

God Dudu sneaked over to sleep with her last night, and the two of them studied for a long time how to wake up Dikongxuan's memory, but the family card didn't seem to work, and the elixir had no clue, and they were at a loss.

Dikongxuan should be almost fine today...

Duanmuyi thought so, when he heard the classroom door being pushed open, the students who were in class today slipped in, a few girls shyly bowed to Yu Tingsong on the podium.

"Eh? This isn't—" Someone saw Duanmuyi and naturally thought of the two scenes in Jin Shiju.

Duanmuyi was bored and allowed to be scrutinized by others, knowing that there was no Mo Lingyu in today's class, otherwise Yu Tingsong would not have invited her to be a teaching assistant.

Her eyes skipped over the class, and suddenly froze in one place, her brows slowly raised.

Holding the roster in her hand, she stepped forward and stood still.

Xiao Baozi shrinks and shrinks, trying to weaken his sense of existence.

"What's your name?" Duanmuyi asked the girl holding the roster.

The girl froze for a moment, then replied, "Hua Guirong."


Duanmuyi found her in the column of Spirit Race in the roster, ticked it off, and asked indifferently: "Student Huagui, may I ask if that pouting butt under the table is your son?"

(End of this chapter)

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