Chapter 1708

Duanmuyi knew that he was telling himself that he immediately organized the students to evacuate in an orderly manner.

The desks and chairs in the classroom began to collapse, and spirit fires were everywhere.

All the students withdrew, Duan Muyi counted the number of people one by one, and when he walked in front of Hua Guirong, he suddenly stopped: "Emperor—where is your son?"

Hua Guirong groaned, raised her finger and pointed into the classroom: "He...he didn't follow..."

Duanmuyi clenched his fists, turned around and rushed into the fire.

When Di Kongxuan came here, what he saw was the scene of her being engulfed by the flames.Di Kongxuan was about to go crazy, his heart began to contract violently, and it hurt intermittently, the veins on his forehead were throbbing, and the sea of ​​consciousness was in severe pain.

He pressed his forehead with one hand, propped the wall with the other, and staggered towards the fire.

At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind that seemed extremely absurd to him—even if he died, she couldn't be hurt.

Duanmuyi soon found Didudu under a crumbling table. Didudu's hair was scorched and his face was flushed red. Seeing Duanmuyi, he burst into tears and rushed to the ground. in her arms.

The table collapsed and hit Duan Muyi's leg.

"Hey, don't cry." Duanmuyi pressed his head on his chest, covered his eyes, turned around to rush out, but found that the way ahead was blocked by the spirit fire.


Yutingsong was about to rush over - the spiritual fire would not pose a threat to him, but there was a figure that was faster than him, covered in transparent and invisible flames, and rushed towards Duanmuyi.

Dikongxuan's body was ignited with the spirit fire of seal, and he protected him from passing through the fire field. When he rushed to Duanmuyi, he put away the flames on his body just right, and immediately put one hand around her waist, and the other hand to protect Dikongxuan. Dudu's head protected the mother and child in his arms, and immediately jumped up, smashing the glass of the classroom, and the three of them jumped out of the window!

Everything happened so fast, before Duanmuyi had time to react, and Yutingsong had just brought the fire under control, all the students were dumbfounded.

Di Kongxuan turned over, and the three of them fell together on the grass outdoors.

Duanmuyi immediately stepped aside, took Didudu out of his arms, checked the side up and down, and was relieved when he saw that he was not injured.

My mind went blank.

Di Kongxuan sat up with his hands propped up, frowning tightly: "Are you alright?"

It was Duanmuyi who asked.

Duanmuyi let out an ah, and then came back to his senses, and quickly took his arm: "It's bleeding..."

Di Kongxuan clicked his tongue softly, and withdrew his hand calmly: "I'm asking you."

"I'm fine." As Duanmuyi said, he was about to hug Di Dudu, only to belatedly realize that his leg was hit by a burnt desk in the classroom, and the spiritual fire was attached to her calf, burning Burnt a piece of meat.

Only then did the numbness of pain spread.

She treated the wound briefly with spiritual power, and Di Dudu had already fallen into Dikongxuan's arms.After Di Kongxuan stood up, he extended his hand to Duanmuyi.

Duanmuyi stared at him blankly for a while, then stretched out his hand, using his strength to stand up.

It wasn't until this time that the vice-principal waited for the teacher to rush over.

There were also two acquaintances in the crowd - Mo Chengyu and Di Mingkun.

These two people led the student union cadres and law enforcement team members to the second floor together. Di Mingkun took a look at them and nodded stiffly to them.

(End of this chapter)

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