Chapter 1709

After a while, the students walked down under the escort of members of the law enforcement team. After counting the number of students, there were quite a few.

The cadres of the student union and several teachers started to do the post-cleaning. Yu Tingsong breathed a sigh of relief, went downstairs in disgrace, stood in front of the vice president, and said guiltily: "It's my fault, I didn't take good care of the classroom."

The vice president didn't criticize too much, and said lightly: "Follow the rules of the school."

But Duanmuyi said: "No."

Everyone was surprised and looked at her one after another. Mo Chengyu was standing on the side of the crowd, surrounded by the cadres of the student union, who were saying something, when he heard her voice, he also glanced this way, his eyes were cold and impersonal.

The vice president recognized her, and his attitude was a little kind: "What do you want to say?"

"Even if Teacher Yu was at fault, it was just a fault of failing to take care of the overall situation. It was a small fault. I know the cause and effect of the accident best—" When she said this, she saw Yu Tingsong shaking her head slightly.

With clear eyes, she said seriously: "It was the child's negligent operation that caused the fire."

Di Kongxuan frowned slightly, and Di Dudu raised his head from his arms in surprise, his eyes reddened by the spirit fire were still a little red and swollen, and he looked even more pitiful.

The students dare not speak, but they feel that Duanmu's meaning is unreasonable.

The deputy dean was also stunned for a moment, and Mo Chengyu spoke for him: "According to the school's rules, family members are not allowed to bring into the classroom, especially the classroom with an experimental nature. Teacher Yu and this... assistant teacher should know this. "

"Yes." Duanmu said without hesitation, "So I also made a mistake, and I will be punished for my mistakes, without any complaints."

After a moment of astonishment, Di Dudu struggled to jump down from Dikongxuan's arms, walked to Duanmuyi's side, straightened his body, and said in a childlike voice, "I was wrong, I'm sorry."

Di Kongxuan looked at the little bun, then at the woman standing there stubbornly, suddenly bent the corner of his lower lip, his eyes softened in an instant, as if the spring wind melted into ice, and ten miles of flowers bloomed.

After a moment of silence, the vice president turned his head and said, "Ming Kun, leave this matter to your law enforcement team."

Di Mingkun took a step forward and saluted: "Yes."

This incident, which can be called a major teaching accident, was dealt with, and the deputy principal was about to leave, but Duan Muyi suddenly took a few steps forward and stood in front of the students.

He then glanced over.

Duanmuyi looked at Hua Guirong, raised his palm, and pinched out a formula: "I invite the previous patriarchs of the Baicao Clan to testify for me. I am here today to challenge you, Hua Guirong."

Hua Guirong's complexion suddenly changed drastically.

Yu Tingsong also clenched his fists suddenly.

This tactic is only used when making a major oath, which means that the oath-taker fulfills the oath with all the honor of himself and the family.

Hua Guirong bit her lip slightly, and said in a low voice, "W-why..."

Duanmuyi's eyebrows were cold and he did not explain.

"What's going on here?" The vice president looked at Yu Tingsong.

Yu Tingsong probably knew a little bit, but she didn't know why she did this.

Di Dudu was probably the only one present who knew it well.

Looking at his mother's back, Di Dudu felt for the first time a kind of hot blood rushing through his veins.Mother is avenging him and challenging the person who threatened his life.

He clenched his little fists and vowed secretly that he must become stronger and protect the one he loves!
(End of this chapter)

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