Chapter 1710

At this time, Duanmu Yi made such an oath, which means that others have no right to intervene in this challenge.

As the key trainer of Hua Guijia of the Shengling clan, Hua Guirong was even more unlikely to refuse in public, because it was related to the honor of the family, so he was more cautious.

Hua Guirong's complexion was very ugly, she bit her lower lip, and after a while she said with a dark face: "Since you insist on making trouble for no reason, then I will agree to you! You decide the time and place, and I will not take advantage of you."

Duanmuyi sneered in a low voice. Since her ascension, she has never shown her strength in front of others. I'm afraid everyone thought she was just relying on Yu Tingsong to back her up, right?
"Time? It's better to hit the sun than choose the day, right now." Duan Muyi looked up at her, "As for the location, it's up to you, and I won't take advantage of you."

The crowd was in an uproar.

Hua Guirong looks weak and harmless, but in fact she is also a mid-level strongman in the transformation stage, being able to enter Xuanye Academy is a symbol of strength in itself.

And that assistant teacher, who had never heard of it before, hadn't shown any strength except for provoking the second son of the Mo family twice in Jin Shiju. Where did she come from for her confidence?

Hua Guirong looked at her injured leg, and then at Yu Tingsong who was beside her with a worried face, she became more and more convinced that she was just bluffing, and with more confidence in her heart, she said: "Now that you are injured, I will take care of you." Even if you win, you won't win by force, I think—"

Duanmuyi interrupted her: "I'll talk about it after you win."

Hua Guirong's words were blocked by her, and suddenly she felt that this person really didn't know what to do, and she was furious, and said coldly: "Then I will convince you to lose! Private fighting is not allowed in the teaching area, you want to challenge me, Let's go to the martial arts arena!"

Duanmuyi didn't answer, but turned around and walked towards the martial arts field.

Hua Guirong snorted coldly and walked up.

The deputy dean seemed a little surprised. After a while, he laughed and said to the teachers and students: "This is the first time I have seen the challenge between the teaching assistant and the students. Come on, let's go and have a look."

The Martial Arts Field is located on the northeast side of Xuanye College, with tall terraced stands on both sides, and a vast sandy field in the middle, with nothing on it.

It was the first time for Duanmuyi to come to the Martial Arts Field. Standing on the sandy ground, he could see the tall Lingdian Pagoda not far in front, and the teachers and students who followed only occupied a corner of the terraced stands.

Hua Guirong raised her voice and said, "The scene is random, does the teaching assistant have any opinions?"

Duanmuyi lowered his eyes and said lightly, "As you wish."

"Pretentious." Hua Guirong sneered, and bowed to a teacher who was in charge of guarding the martial arts arena, "Please decorate the venue."

The two stood face to face on the martial arts arena. After a while, the sand under their feet suddenly flowed. Then the figures of the two kept receding. In the middle of the two, mountains, trees, rivers appeared out of thin air, and there was a dilapidated lookout. The platform appears at the center line.

Duanmuyi suddenly realized that this sandy land is just a basic scene, and there must be a magical power that can temporarily transfer scenes from all over the mainland here.

At this moment, Hua Guirong was completely gone in front of her eyes. After a brief silence, she walked straight ahead.

On the other side, Hua Guirong made a detour and came to the side.

Duanmuyi has never been in contact with such a game method, but this does not prevent her from quickly understanding the general map structure.

(End of this chapter)

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