Chapter 1711

She walked quickly through the mountains and forests, and neither hills nor rivers could be her hindrances, as if she didn't need to think about where to step on her next foot, and she would not be blocked by branches, and she was still walking the fastest route.

Everyone in the audience was astonished.

The vice president asked beside him: "If I remember correctly, you brought this female teacher?"

Yu Ting responded, "Exactly. She is more talented in refining medicine in the clan, so I brought her here this time. I have reported it to the Academic Affairs Office, and Teacher Huagui also knows about it."

The vice-principal chuckled: "I'm not here to inquire about crimes. You are the best pharmacist in our academy, and you have the right to lead teaching assistants."

Yu Tingsong nodded slightly and turned his eyes to the arena.

In just a short moment, Duanmuyi was already close to the place where Hua Guirong was at the beginning. With a glance, no one knew that Hua Guirong had adopted a roundabout tactic.

She glanced left and right, then ran to the right without making a sound.

Everyone was surprised again—Hua Guirong picked the one on the right side!

"How did she see that?" one teacher murmured.

The people next to him guessed in a hurry, but no one guessed the idea.

Holding Di Dudu in his arms, Di Kongxuan leaned on the back of the chair, his eyes closely followed the figure on the field, but there was an inexplicable sense of pride in his heart.

It was as if she was so outstanding that he was proud of her.

Di Dudu twisted his buttocks and said, "I guessed wrong."

"Huh?" Di Kongxuan looked down at him, "You know?"

Didudu said, "Of course I know - I won't tell you!"

Hmph, who made you lose your memory.Even if I tell you that mother is the best at observing the enemy's clues from the smallest details, will you believe it?

Di Kongxuan: "..."

Hua Guirong didn't know that Duanmuyi had already circled behind her, she was still sneaking towards Duanmuyi's original location along the route she had set.

Suddenly, when no one noticed, there was a loud noise on the left side of the arena.

Everyone was in an uproar: "What's going on!"

Hua Guirong obviously heard it too, she stopped in her tracks, and moved towards the location where the sound came from after a while.

"Hehehe..." the vice president laughed, "Interesting."

Duanmu didn't move, she was still lurking on the road on the right, but she was very close to Hua Guirong.

If she proceeds rashly, it is very likely that she will find Hua Guirong, but at the same time she will be exposed.Duanmuyi cleverly estimated the speed difference and distance difference between the two, and stopped at the most suitable position.

Then he controlled the unremarkable vines on the ground, crossed most of the field, and tore a boulder on the left from the stream and pushed it into the river.

That's where the loud bang came from.

Sure enough, as soon as Hua Guirong moved, Duanmuyi immediately locked onto her figure, and then quietly lurked behind her, following her to the left.

"Is she invisible?" A freshman asked in disbelief.

Because some of Duanmuyi's lurking positions were incomprehensible, in their view, Hua Guirong could spot her, but Hua Guirong's eyes just passed by there, and they didn't notice her at all.

Concealment - it can be called Duanmuyi's first self-created exercise, even before she mastered soul control.This set of exercises was first realized by the Jialan tribe, and it was used for the first time in the Prince's Mansion in Heerchuan, and then it was continuously improved. Now it is already a magic weapon that Duanmuyi can use freely.

(End of this chapter)

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