Chapter 1715

"I haven't settled the score with you yet." Duanmu pointed at him, and entered the door of the staff house.

Di Kongxuan smiled softly, and when he turned around again, his face was expressionless.He glanced coldly at the surrounding eyes, and then disappeared around the corner.

Duanmuyi went to say hello to Yutingsong first, Yutingsong had just come back and was planning to take a bath.He who always loves cleanliness has made his whole body dirty today, which is really detrimental to his image.

The two went about their business as usual, and then got together for dinner.

Duanmuyi poured a glass of wine for him, and poured a glass himself: "Mr. Yu, it has been half a year since I ascended, and you have always helped me. Thank you for your kindness. If you need anything in the future, just ask, I will help you." It is incumbent!"

Yu Tingsong smiled gently, and clinked glasses with her, and the two drank each.

He put down his wine glass and said, "Di Kongxuan and that kid are the friends you've been looking for, right?"

The smile on Duanmuyi's face froze, he exhaled and nodded.

"I shouldn't have kept it from you, it's just about them, I have to be careful." Duanmuyi felt a little guilty, facing such a selfless Yu Tingsong, she was like a timid villain.

But if she had to choose again, she would still do it.

After all, those are the two most important people in her life.

Yu Tingsong smiled calmly and said: "It seems that you already have your way back to the world. It's your luck to meet here in such a big Xuan Ye Continent, and it's human nature to hide it from me."

Duanmuyi looked up at him.

For the first time, he avoided her gaze.

As the night was dark, he spoke slowly, his tone still soft and gentle: "From now on, you must be careful yourself."

She is a teaching assistant, so he can justifiably stand in front of her to protect her and block all storms and waves in front of him.

Now that she has become a student, there are mountains, rivers, lakes and seas between them, not to mention that she already has the most trustworthy person.

Duanmuyi's heart skipped a beat, as if a boulder had fallen.

Her premonition seemed to come true.

"Go to rest early, and go through the admission procedures tomorrow." Yu Tingsong got up and said, "I'm going to the pharmacy tomorrow, so I won't see you off."

Duanmuyi watched him go back to the room and close the door, no one could recognize him in the cold moonlight.

After tidying up the tableware, Duanmuyi also went back to her room, she expected that Didudu was frightened today, Yue Rushuang would definitely be with him and would not come to her.

It's just that she didn't expect that the son didn't come, but the father did.

Seeing the man standing by the desk, Duanmu closed the door with his backhand: "What are you doing here?"

Di Kongxuan turned his head to look at her, with a smile in his eyes: "If the mountain doesn't come, I will, if I come, I will go to the mountain."

Duanmu was speechless, why didn't he find him so difficult before.

She turned her eyes, and suddenly she bent her lips and smiled, the smile gradually widened, and Wushuang's charm flashed across her eyes, and she looked straight at him.

"Can't you see that Mr. Kongxuan, who is praised by everyone in Xuanye Academy, is so anxious." She moved lightly, walked in front of him, and raised her hand to caress his chest.

Di Kongxuan froze all over.

And the woman's fragrance was right under his nose, which made him unable to help his heart tremble, wishing he could just shut up that annoying little chattering mouth right now.

Duanmuyi could best guess his change of mood, and before he could make a move, she had already stood on tiptoe, kissed the corner of his lips, and bit his lower lip along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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