Chapter 1716

Hmph, the handsome man is in front of her, and she is also her husband, so it will be a loss if you don't eat this tofu.

Duanmuyi has no psychological burden.

Di Kongxuan was different, he hadn't accepted the reality that he had a wife and son, but because of his inner closeness to her, he came into contact with her again and again, and also wanted to use this to restore his memory.

But such a bold Duanmuyi made him lose his mind for a moment, not knowing what to do.

"Why, now you are the only one in the mountain, are you at a loss?" Duan Muyi's hand slowly slid down his strong chest to his back, and with dexterous fingers, he untied the courtyard. belt buckle.

Di Kongxuan came back to his senses, grabbed her waist, turned around and pressed her on the soft bed, restraining her restless hands by the way.

But in this way, even though Duanmuyi's hands couldn't fan the flames, she was nestled in Dikongxuan's arms, clinging to each other tightly. Her soft chest and fragrant female body fragrance were all testing Dikongxuan. Xuan's self-control.

Obviously, for old couples, the body gives the most honest response.

Di Kongxuan's face turned red in a rare way.

Duanmuyi seemed to have seen something strange, looked at his red ears, and said with a smile: "It's terrible, I have seen all the rare things, and you are actually shy?"

Di Kongxuan waved his hand viciously, and extinguished the candles in the room.

There was darkness all around, and the breaths of the two were close at hand, intertwined with each other, and after a while, they got closer and closer, and finally joined together.

Duanmuyi wanted him to think hard, but now his mind is more and more creative, it can be seen that even if he lost his memory, he still couldn't escape her Duanmuyi's palm.

Thinking of this, she raised her hand and hooked Di Kongxuan's neck, deepening their kiss.

Dikong Xuanben just wanted to taste it, but he didn't expect the woman's taste to be so good that he lost his mind and went crazy. He just wanted to eat her up one bite at a time.

When both of them regained their composure, they treated each other with sincerity.

Duanmuyi hooked his neck as before, took a breath, and said in a low voice: "That's fine, maybe it reminds you of something."

After all, take the initiative to cater to him.

In this matter, Duanmuyi has always been very proactive, with enthusiasm and boldness that are rare among women in this world.

But Di Kongxuan was different.

He was ready to go, but he forced himself to calm down.

Looking at the shy but gentle eyebrows of the woman under him, he pulled the quilt aside to wrap her around, and hugged her to calm down the restlessness in his body.

"Sorry..." he mumbled, "I shouldn't have—"

Duanmu raised his eyebrows, oh, did she fail in seduction?
He also heard Di Kongxuan say: "Regardless of whether we were acquainted or not, or - whether we were really husband and wife, now that I have lost my memory, since I like you, I should respect you."

Duanmuyi was stunned.

Since I like you, I should respect you.

This is the promise given to her by the current Dikongxuan.

She looked at the dark room, and the corner of her heart that had been empty was finally filled by him again.

She stretched out her hand from under the quilt, stroked his cheek, and said slowly: "Di Kongxuan, one day you will think of me and the promise we made."

When Duanmuyi woke up the next day, Dikongxuan was no longer there, and he didn't know when he slipped away last night.

Thinking of his jerky reaction, Duanmuyi couldn't help laughing - she was manipulated by him back then, but now it's finally the other way around.

(End of this chapter)

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