Chapter 1721

Bai Tuantuan was alone, and Hua Guirong and Jiang Shao were also seen in front of the classroom.Lan Yao was also there, and greeted her from afar.

Teacher Huagui explained the content of the course in a straightforward manner, taking two exercises as examples, and explained the principles of spiritual power one by one. The boring course made him even more drowsy.

Duanmu Yi originally planned to take notes, but finally found that they were all from the book, so he put down the pen.

After class, Duanmu went to chat with Lan Yao, Lan Yao said excitedly: "The freshman meeting will be held next week, Miss Duanmu, the time for you to enroll is really just right!"

Duanmuyi was at a loss for a moment: "What freshman meeting?"

Lan Yao was more at a loss than she: "You don't know about the Freshman Conference?"

The two looked at each other.

Bai Tuantuan couldn't stand it any longer, squeezed in and said, "Xiaoyi has just entered school, so it's normal not to know. The freshman meeting is a grand meeting held three months after the freshman enters school. It is held every five years and redefines the spirit hall. Great masters. And those who get the top [-] in the freshman meeting will all have generous prizes provided by the school!"

Lan Yao interjected: "These prizes include the top-level skills of the Gongfa Pavilion, the priceless spiritual medicine pills, and the blood of the monsters in the transformation stage of the gods...Anyway, our academy can give you anything you can't think of. .”

Duanmuyi was speechless.

This is really a big deal, not to mention anything else, just the demon pills and blood essence of monsters in the transformation stage, that is a treasure that can make practitioners all over the continent jealous and crazy.

Bai Tuantuan said excitedly: "With my strength, I definitely won't be able to win those prizes, but there is a small intention, we Shuyinglou will definitely win this time!"

"Haha, just because you want to covet those treasures too?" Behind the three of them, the girl's malicious laughter sounded.

Duanmuyi knew it was Hua Guirong without even looking.

She smiled coldly, this man is really healed and his scars are forgotten.

Bai Tuantuan glanced back, lowered his head and said nothing.She has a junior cultivation level in the stage of transformation, and her aptitude is at the middle level in Xuanye Academy. Facing those geniuses, she dare not refute at all.

Lan Yao wanted to speak, but was held down by Duanmuyi.

He looked and saw the woman showing a sneering smile, and said, "I don't know if you are better than others, but what qualifications do you, a defeated general, have to say?"

Hua Guirong's face flushed with anger, and she turned to look at the young man beside her: "Young Master Jiang—"

Jiang Shao looked up, smiled slightly, pointed at Duanmuyi and said, "I'll wait for you to challenge."

Duanmu said lightly, "I'm not interested in you."

Jiang Shao's words seemed to put himself in a high position, and expressed his disdain for Duanmuyi as a superior.He wanted to annoy Duanmuyi with this, but Duanmuyi didn't care at all.

This made Jiang Shao extremely uncomfortable.

He asked coldly: "Why, you dare not?"

Hua Guirong then shouted: "Hehe, that's all she can do!"

Duanmuyi smiled and said, "Did you misunderstand something? I mean, No.10, I'm not interested."

Everyone was silent, once again sweating at Duanmuyi's "arrogance".

In their view, although Duanmuyi had some tricks to defeat Hua Guirong, it was also the result of her combination of many small tricks. It was insidious, shameless, and not aboveboard at all.

If there was a one-on-one competition openly, she would definitely lose.

(End of this chapter)

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