Chapter 1722

It's a pity that although their ideas are reasonable, on the real battlefield, it's never a question of how advanced someone's superficial cultivation is.

If you only look at the cultivation base, it would be fine to just admit defeat when encountering someone with a high cultivation base, what else is better?
In this way, wouldn't it be world peace?
Duanmu didn't bother to guess what those people were thinking, even if she found out, she would just scoff and scold them as stupid.

In the afternoon of that day, the story of Duanmuyi's "outrageous words" had already spread among the freshmen.

There were two refining classes in the afternoon, and Duanmuyi clearly felt the ill intentions of the students around him.

After she and Yu Tingsong looked at each other, Yu Tingsong smiled at her gently, no different from before.Duanmuyi knew that no matter what his attitude was, he was always the same.

After class, she and her three roommates went back to Youshe Shuying Building together, and unexpectedly saw Yue Rushuang at the door.

As a senior, Yue Rushuang seems to only know how to eat, drink and have fun, but he has won the hearts of many young girls with his aptitude of being tall, rich and handsome.

Not surprisingly, Bai Tuantuan, Shen Muxu and Lan Tingrui blushed at the same time.

Shen Muxu said: "Although I only have Teacher Yu in my heart, Mr. Yue is really good-looking!"

Lan Tingrui: "Young Master Yue is the prettiest man I've ever seen!"

Bai Tuantuan would only hold Duanmuyi's sleeve tightly, blushing and not speaking.

Duanmuyi reluctantly acted as the calm one among the four, stepped forward and asked, "Why are you here?"

Yue Rushuang pointed to the little bun squatting behind her buttocks: "He wants to treat you to dinner."

Duan Muyi raised her eyebrows and looked, Di Dudu ran over on her short legs and hugged her thigh: "Mother!"

Everyone: "..."

However, Di Dudu's behavior did not arouse Yue Rushuang's suspicion. On the one hand, it is no secret that Di Dudu recognized his mother everywhere, and on the other hand, Duanmuyi saved him in the refining class. You will think that children know how to repay their kindness.

He picked up Di Dudu and said to the other three nympho girls, "Come together?"

Lan Tingrui nodded frantically: "Okay, okay..."

Duanmuyi couldn't help laughing.

The six of them went straight to Jinshiju. They had requested a private room on the second floor, but they were unexpectedly invited to the third floor by the staff.

The third floor is Chen Yuan's private territory, few people can go up, everyone thought it was because of Yue Rushuang's face, who knew that when they entered the door, they saw Chen Yuan looking over here, and then smiled at Duan Muyi.

"Take the liberty to invite Miss Duanmu here. I really want to know, which of the top ten seats in the Spirit Hall is Miss Duanmu interested in?"

Duanmu said: "???"

Yue Rushuang looked around, then sat down on the most comfortable armchair with Di Dudu in her arms, and casually took a plate of grapes beside him and stuffed them into his arms, saying concisely: "Eat!"

Di Dudu ate obediently.

"Don't be surprised, the patriarch Chen Yuan is the ninth expert in the Hall of Spirits." Yue Rushuang smiled sternly.

Duanmu has a black thread on his head.

She just said casually, Chen Yuan is the ninth in the majestic hall, there is no need to be so serious, right?
As if seeing her thoughts, Chen Yuan said: "Miss Duanmu, don't be surprised. Everyone is curious about which seat you want to challenge for the top ten in the Spirit Hall. You just asked me to ask."

The corner of Duanmuyi's mouth twitched: "Really... To tell you the truth, I'm very interested in the second person in the Hall of Spirits. I don't know who it is?"

(End of this chapter)

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