Chapter 1727

It turned out to be a scene of hidden reefs!

This is an extremely rare scene map!

The seven people in the top ten seats were also paying attention to this team battle, and they couldn't help but sigh when they saw this scene randomly—this luck is too bad.

Although most practitioners are not afraid of water, fighting in the water will inevitably make everyone's strength greatly reduced, and the restraint of fire-type spiritual power is stronger.

Hua Guirong's side doesn't have fire-type spiritual power practitioners, but Lan Tingrui on Duanmuyi's side has fire-type spiritual power!
Fortunately, Lan Tingrui and Bai Tuantuan are from the Canghai tribe and the Chensha tribe respectively. They are both seaside tribes, and they are not flustered when facing the water.

Shen Muxu was a little apprehensive - she grew up in the Baicao Clan and had never seen the sea since she was a child. When she was not careful, the waves swept her into the bottom of the sea.

Fortunately, Duanmuyi reacted as soon as he entered the water, quickly looked around, swam to Shen Muxu without hesitation, and grabbed her who was thrashing.

Bai Tuantuan and Lan Tingrui were washed away by the sea. Fortunately, Duanmuyi could feel that the two were in good condition from the soul imprint on the team badge, so he felt relieved.

They considered the randomness of the scene before the game started, so after the initial panic period, they calmed down.

"It's a group of hidden reefs." Shen Muxu said, "The undercurrent is raging around here, and there are even more hidden reefs underneath. At present, we don't know where Hua Guirong and the others appear. We have to reunite with Ruirui as soon as possible."

But Duanmuyi said: "No, the goal of four people together is too obvious, we need to be separated. I hope Tuantuan and Tingrui can also realize this."


"The resistance of the water restricts the output of spiritual power, which affects us, and it must also affect Hua Guirong and the others. Here, the gap in strength will be further narrowed, which is beneficial and harmless to us." Duanmuyi quickly explained, "We can't be sure. The tactics of Hua Guirong and the others must be spread out to find out the real situation, and if necessary, they would rather get out of the game first, but also grasp the opponent's dynamics."

Shen Muxu froze for a moment, then said, "Then our advantage in numbers is gone."

"The battlefield is ever-changing, and tactics naturally need to be adaptable." Duanmuyi patted her on the shoulder, "Don't worry, hide yourself, once you find the opponent's whereabouts, immediately activate the soul imprint on the team badge."

Shen Muxu gritted her teeth, knowing that this was not the time to hesitate, she separated from Duanmuyi and swam away.

Duanmuyi is like a fish swimming in the water, the resistance of the water doesn't seem to affect her at all.

There was a commotion in the audience.

"Is she so good at water?" Song Aotian was a little surprised.

If they were allowed to borrow spiritual power, they would naturally be able to achieve this effect.But Duanmuyi didn't use his spiritual power, obviously he didn't want to expose himself.

No one knew that Duanmuyi could swim so smoothly, it was all due to Dikongxuan throwing her into the big swamp in the mountain and sea domain when she was still in the Jindan stage.

The water in Daze has the strongest resistance and viscous force. She has experienced devil training there, and now the resistance of any water is almost zero for her.

Suddenly, the team badge on her chest flashed a faint light.

At the same time, Duanmuyi turned his head without a pause and swam towards the east.

"How did she find out!" the audience exclaimed.

"Cheating!" Someone yelled immediately, "Teacher, they must be cheating!"

Jiang Shao squinted his eyes slightly, and said to the referee seat: "Mr. Referee, is it in compliance with the regulations to bring tools into the arena?"

(End of this chapter)

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