Chapter 1728

Several referees discussed and were about to speak, Yu Tingsong smiled gently and said: "According to the competition system, as long as they rely on their own strength, it is not considered cheating. They should use small tools similar to soul imprints, so it is not a foul, right? "

A referee nodded and said, "That's right, the Hall of Spirits didn't give any hints either."

Duanmuyi didn't know that his actions caused commotion among the audience.

The last time she competed with Hua Guirong, it was because she quickly captured the position Hua Guirong had chosen that she laid the foundation for victory.

This time, is it a reprint of the last time?
It's not that easy!
Duanmuyi quickly noticed the problem.

From the other direction, an early warning came soon!
And it was even more intense - she even used the ray of spiritual fire hidden in the team badge!
Is it Bai Tuantuan and Lan Tingrui?
Duanmuyi stopped quickly, turned around decisively, and headed in that direction.At the same time, the soul power between her brows spread, and she fled towards the east.

Taking care of both directions at the same time, although she can grasp the battle situation as quickly as possible, it also consumes her soul power crazily. Fortunately, she is already close to the battle situation.

It really was Bai Tuantuan and Lan Tingrui!

The two of them were not too far apart. Bai Tuantuan was discovered by Hua Guirong and quickly launched a sneak attack. He was caught off guard and quickly used the spiritual fire in the badge to block Hua Guirong's attack.

And Lan Tingrui rushed back to rescue immediately, two against one, and was not at a disadvantage for the time being.

Duanmuyi took a glance and saw that Hua Guirong was the only one, so he knew that the other party had also split up.

She made a decisive decision and flew up to join the battle. With a flash of inspiration in her hand, the seaweed grew wildly from the cracks in the reef. In the blink of an eye, it grew to more than 20 meters, penetrated the sea water, and directly entangled Hua Guirong's ankle.

"Concentrate on attacking Hua Gui Rong!" she shouted.

Seeing her coming, Bai Tuantuan and Lan Tingrui both heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time lifted their spirits, gathering their spiritual power to blast towards Hua Guirong.

But Duanmuyi stepped on the sea water, his wet courtyard clothes were tightly attached to his waistline, and his long hair loosened his headband at some point, dancing flamboyantly.

Hua Guirong struggled to dodge in the sea water, but was hit by Lan Tingrui's spiritual power on the shoulder, and her arm suddenly lost strength.

There was a flash of hatred in her eyes, and suddenly the spiritual power in her body was soaring, breaking the seaweed, a long sword of spiritual power was transformed from the palm of her hand, and she flew towards Duanmuyi.

"Go to hell!" Hua Guirong grinned.

The moment she broke free from the seaweed, two people jumped out of the water behind Duanmuyi at the same time, the three swords shone with crystal water, and countless water arrows weaved into a net, blocking all of Duanmuyi's escape routes!

Just as Duanmu wanted to expel Hua Guirong from the game at all costs, Hua Guirong also had the same idea!
Her other two teammates came from the other two directions and then lurked in the water. Hua Guirong didn't show up when she was besieged by two people, and she didn't show up when she was set on fire by three people. Until now, killing Duanmuyi was caught off guard!
Duanmuyi knew that he had to avoid it.

Once hit by an attack, it will be passive.

Bai Tuantuan and Lan Tingrui rushed over to save her, but Hua Guirong and the others seemed to be red-eyed, ignoring the attack behind them, and wanted to kill Duanmuyi at all costs.

Yu Tingsong stood up abruptly, frowned and said, "I'm asking the referee to intervene!"

At the last table, Young Master Jiang smiled lazily: "What's the rush? Teacher Yu didn't say that when he suspected Duanmuyi was cheating just now."

(End of this chapter)

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