Chapter 1730

The first day of competition has come to an end. The individual competition is currently a competition for the bottom [-], and no one has challenged the top [-] yet.As for the team competition, due to the blessing of individual competition points in the afternoon, the team currently ranked first is a freshman team from the Dijiang tribe, with a total of five points.

Shuyinglou ranked sixth with three points.

However, Shen Muxu was challenged in the afternoon and lost the No.70 seventh place, which made the atmosphere of the whole Shuying Studio very depressed.

When Duanmuyi woke up, he just heard Lan Tingrui scolding: "We know that we spent a lot of spiritual power in the team competition, so there is no reason to recover it in half a day, and we still insist on challenging you. Isn't that just making it clear?" Bullying you!"

Shen Muxu was also very depressed: "But the referee team judged that I have the ability to fight, and passed his challenge invitation."

"Fuck his grandma." Lan Tingrui spoke bluntly, scolding heartily.

Bai Tuantuan also sat on the side frowning, very depressed.

Duanmu smiled weakly: "What is there to be entangled in? If you lose with inferior skills, you will work harder to win back in the future."

Seeing that she was awake, the three of them surrounded her and asked her how she was feeling.

Duanmuyi waved his hand: "It's nothing serious."

Bai Tuantuan worriedly said: "I also said it's nothing serious. When I changed your clothes, you had wounds all over your body. Somehow, they all congealed into scabs of blood, which were hard and black, and all stuck together with the clothes. Can't pull it off."

Duanmuyi moved his body, he really felt uncomfortable all over.

"Don't move around." Shen Muxu held her down, "Teacher Yu brought the medicine over and just finished applying it to you. We ripped off your blood scabs cruelly, and there is no way to apply the medicine without tearing it off."

Duan Muyi pretended to be relaxed and said with a smile: "It's okay, I sealed this with spiritual fire. Otherwise, when we end, I'll be a bloody man, and it would be embarrassing."

The three of them looked at each other in dismay - how painful it would be to seal up their bleeding wounds with spiritual fire!
"No matter how embarrassing they are, there's no shame in turning Gui Rong into them." Bai Tuantuan said.

Duanmu looked at Shen Muxu: "Speaking of which, I have to thank Muxu. If it weren't for you, I might have died by their sword."

Lan Tingrui couldn't help laughing loudly: "Oh, that tripod of yours fell like a magic weapon from heaven. Not to mention, you are very heroic!"

Shen Muxu was also very embarrassed, and said with a blushing face, "At that time, I didn't think too much about it. I didn't have any weapons at hand. I only had a medicine cauldron, so I used it directly."

"Who replaced your ranking?" Duanmu returned to the subject.

Shen Muxu was stunned, and said, "Jiang Wuya."

It was another name she had never heard of, but Duanmuyi didn't know many people, so Lan Tingrui spontaneously explained it to her.

Jiang Wuya is a member of the Jiang family of the Shengling clan, and his strength is not considered weak, but the Jiang family has a first-time talent, Jiang Shao, so naturally no one else can show off the limelight.

This time Jiang Wuya was allowed to enter Xuanye Academy because he was trying his best to show himself well.Entering the top [-] list seems easy, but in fact, those who can be ranked within the top [-] list are not the pride of heaven, even the three Bai Tuantuan who think that their qualifications are mediocre, they are also first-class strong when they are released.

So Jiang Wuya took advantage of Shen Muxu's weakness and challenged him.

Duanmuyi couldn't help but sneer when he heard this: "I'm afraid there must be someone's pointing fingers behind his back."

(End of this chapter)

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