Chapter 1731

Shen Clover said, "You mean Young Master Jiang?"

"Jiang Shao is the one who will take revenge. We offended him earlier, so he has no choice but to take this opportunity to humiliate us." Lan Tingrui had an epiphany.

Duanmuyi let out a sigh of relief: "I'm also the one who made you suffer."

The freshman contest will not be suspended because of any injury, so if you want to stand out, you can't relax even a day.

Duanmuyi knew that he would not be able to take good care of himself if he stayed in Shuyinglou, so he asked Bai Tuantuan to find Di Kongxuan and explain his intentions.

Dikongxuan knew her determination to win, so he didn't say anything, he just carried her away from Shuying Building, and went to the back mountain of Xuanye College.

The back mountain is located on the northwest side of the college, and there are rolling mountains around the Lingdian.

"You're not too happy?" Duanmuyi leaned into his arms, looked at his thin lips, and asked, "I thought I could see you when I woke up."

Di Kongxuan looked down at her, stepped on a branch, jumped up, and turned into a black shadow.

"You have Teacher Yu's panacea, what do you want me to do?"

Duanmu said: "..."

Yo, is this vinegar?

"Ouch—" Duanmuyi suddenly moaned.

Di Kongxuan was startled, thinking that he had touched her wound, he quickly stopped, and put her down gently: "Did I hurt you? Don't you see if there is a piece of flesh all over your body that is intact?" Yes! I didn't say a word when I was shot by the water arrow, I really thought I was..."

His words were blocked by Duanmuyi.

Duanmuyi did what he really wanted to do, and said with satisfaction: "There are so many words."

Di Kongxuan: "..."

He still has one more day to be talked about!
"Can you recuperate overnight?" Di Kongxuan asked suddenly.

Duanmuyi smiled: "It's a day for others, but I have the spiritual fire of the domain, which can slow down the flow of time, of course it's no problem."

What she didn't say was that she was pregnant with the purest blood and had dual bloodlines, so recovering from such a minor injury was no problem.

Di Kongxuan nodded: "Very good."

Duanmuyi was at a loss, thinking that he was worried about his injury.

It wasn't until Di Kongxuan took her to find a suitable cave, and she woke up from a state of meditation after meditating all night, and he threw her directly into the haystack, that she realized something was wrong.

She pressed the man's restless hand on her waist and asked, "What are you doing?"

Dikong Xuanxie smiled wantonly: "If you kiss me, I will not be responsible. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?"

"..." Duanmuyi was speechless, "So, how often do you take advantage of me?"

Di Kongxuan raised his voice and raised his voice, then propped his arms up and looked at her: "You want me to be responsible for you? I don't mind."

Duanmuyi looked at him blankly, and pursed his lips: "Let's talk about it after you remember."

Di Kongxuan's eyes darkened slightly: "So, the person in your heart is after all the old me?"

"Huh? Hey, isn't it, you even eat your own vinegar?" Duanmuyi was sweating profusely. Seeing his expression cool down, he got up and was about to leave, so he quickly reached out and grabbed him.

Di Kongxuan turned to look at her: "You said that the memories of the past are worthless, as long as the person is still alive, you can continue to create memories. Now, you are using the memories of the past as an excuse?"

He looked calm, but sounded full of accusations.

"I was wrong, I was wrong." Duanmuyi pulled him to prevent him from leaving, and tried his best to coax him like Di Dudu when he was just born, "Seeing you, I can't help but think about the past You have to understand me, even though you have lost your memory, but I have not. "

(End of this chapter)

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