Chapter 1732

Di Kongxuan's eyes were lonely: "Forget it, don't mention it."

Duanmuyi's heart skipped a beat, this guy is not just trying to be a fool, is he?Di Kongxuan has always been paranoid and possessive emotionally. Didn't her words really hurt his heart now?
"Come here, give me a hug." She simply opened her arms towards him and looked at him fixedly.

Di Kongxuan remained silent for a while, then walked back and hugged her.

Duanmuyi smelled the clear fragrance of his body again, and all the stubbornness in her heart collapsed in an instant.

Go to the fucking probation period.

This man is her husband, what is there to investigate, they have worshiped the world, and the children can be soy sauce, and if they investigate again, they will find a ghost?
"I'll take care of you." She whispered in his ear.

Di Kongxuan's body stiffened slightly, and then his breathing became short of breath. Holding her shoulder, he murmured: "You are really..."

There was a phoenix chirping in the distance, piercing the sky clearly.

The next day's game is about to start.

She raised her head and kissed the corner of his mouth lightly, stroked the back of his head like a small animal, smiled lightly, and her face was radiant.

"Send me back, it's time to find a place."

The competition on the second day was even more intense, the academy suspended classes for one month, and basically all the students were on the martial arts arena.

When Duanmuyi and Dikongxuan came back, Bai Tuantuan was looking for them everywhere, and he was relieved to see that she was safe and sound.

"How did you do it? It's really all healed." Bai Tuantuan lifted up her sleeves, and now her scarred arm was as white as jade, not at all like being injured.

Duanmu smiled mysteriously: "I have my own way."

Di Kongxuan bid farewell and went back. He and Lan Yao's team had another match today.However, due to luck, the Shuying team had a bye today and was directly promoted to tomorrow's schedule.

Seeing the two of them coming back, Shen Muxu moved the seat next to her and said, "How did you get so lucky today?"

"It's better to save this kind of luck to the back." Lan Tingrui said, "The further back, the luckier the bye team."

Duanmuyi sat down, watched the match for a while, then turned to the three and said, "I'll leave for a while."

The three of them didn't care, and continued to eat, drink and watch the game.

Right now, there are three single-player events going on, one of which is drawing to a close.

After a while, the crystal screen jumped, and No. 60 was successfully challenged by a latecomer and directly replaced.

The next battle list was also displayed on the crystal screen.

There was some commotion.

Bai Tuantuan tugged on the wrist of the person next to him, and said in a broken voice, "It's Xiaoyi!"

Shen Muxu looked up, stood up abruptly, sat back in place after a moment of stupefaction, her eyes were wet before she knew it.

Duanmuyi, fight against Jiang Wuya!
Shen Muxu knew very well that she was looking for a place for her!
Duanmuyi is destined to challenge for a higher ranking, and the 77th place she left behind can be left for her to compete with others again!As long as it's not Jiang Wuya!

Strong self-confidence ignited in Shen Muxu's chest, Duanmuyi had already done this for her, why would she not take back her position!
She held Bai Tuantuan and Lan Tingrui's hands tightly, and tried to keep her eyes open to watch the field.

"Yo, Jiang Wuya." Mo Lingyu propped his chin at the front of the spectator seats, looking at the field with interest, "Isn't this the guy who just defeated Shen Clover yesterday? "

(End of this chapter)

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