Chapter 1733

His position was very close to the top ten seats, and these words clearly floated into Young Master Jiang's ears.

Young Master Jiang's face remained unchanged, and he looked at the field with a smile: "It's just a good time to use him to test Duanmuyi's strength."

"Oh? Is Young Master Jiang afraid?" Mo Lingyu touched his chin and said, "But I remember Duan Muyi said earlier that he doesn't like your tenth seat. In this way, Young Master Jiang can rest assured. "

A little further away, Mo Chengyu turned his head and gave him a cold look.

Mo Lingyu closed his mouth obediently.

Jiang Shao curved his lips and smiled, his smile was cold.


Duanmuyi has already stepped onto the field.

The three single-player arenas are all smaller than the team arena. Judging from yesterday's event, the range of the random maps will not be too large.

That Jiang Wuya's cultivation was in the middle stage of transformation, but it was said that he had just broken through. Duanmuyi weighed the strength of both sides and felt that he had a good chance of winning.

She dared to challenge Jiang Wuya, she definitely did not underestimate the enemy.

An opponent of this strength can stimulate her motivation and potential even more.

On the opposite side, Jiang Wuya also walked over.

Like Young Master Jiang, he has the word "Jiang" embroidered on the collar of his hospital uniform, which means he is a direct descendant of the Jiang family of the Shengling clan.

The two sides looked at each other, each with sparks.

Jiang Wuya showed a hypocritical smile: "You are also from the Duanmu family, so we are still of the same family, please give me your advice."

Duanmu smiled: "It's easy to talk about."

Jiang Wuya's smile is stiff... Who wants to talk to you!I'm just being polite, are you serious?

Without speculation, the game officially started.

The sand under his feet spun rapidly, and the foreground in front of his eyes twisted and changed, and finally stopped at the edge of a forest.

Woods again?

Those who watched Duanmuyi's match against Hua Guirong before couldn't help but think of that scene again...

"It's not the forest." Chen Yuan said suddenly, "The forest is the border."

As a competition field, there is naturally a boundary, and the boundary is formed by the powerful and mysterious soul power of the Spirit Hall, which cannot be stepped out.

Duanmuyi also noticed, she tried to reach the woods with her hand, and touched the invisible barrier beside a tree.

So she turned her head decisively and walked towards the open space.

As the scene progressed, the audience discovered that the main scene of this arena was a pagoda.

"It turned out to be a pagoda?!" Someone couldn't help but yelled in a low voice, "Duanmuyi, what kind of shit luck is this, stepping on a rare map twice in a row!"

The last time it was the hidden reefs, this time it was the pagoda, both of which are targeted and difficult scenes!

Duanmuyi didn't hesitate. When he saw the building in front of him, he knew that this was probably the battlefield.She looked around, but didn't find Jiang Wuya's figure, so she pushed open the door of the Buddha Pagoda and walked in.

The audience could see clearly that Jiang Wuya had just walked to the other side of the pagoda and was about to push the door.

Suddenly, Jiang Wuya's hand paused, as if he was thinking about something.

He glanced at the Futu Pagoda in front of him, then withdrew his hand, circled around from the outside, and saw the door pushed open by Duanmuyi.

The audience was in an uproar - now it's all right, Duanmuyi was circled back.

Song Aotian chuckled: "I remember last time she got behind Hua Guirong and won in one fell swoop. Could it be that this time, it's really a retribution?"

"It's not that easy." Duanmu Yue said.

The audience quickly realized something was wrong—where is Duanmu Yiren?

Not only Jiang Wuya couldn't find Duanmuyi, but even the audience with God's perspective couldn't find Duanmuyi after watching it all.

(End of this chapter)

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