Chapter 1739

Duanmuyi's complexion is slightly gloomy. She has advanced to the middle stage of transformation tonight and is in a good mood, but she doesn't want anyone to defeat her interest at this time.

And Di Kongxuan on the opposite side also put down the bowl and chopsticks coldly.

How can someone be so short-sighted?

Although he didn't know that woman, but judging by the cloud pattern on her hospital uniform, she must be from a certain family of the Shengling Clan.The two men behind her also belonged to the same family, which was Huagui Rong's family.

Duanmuyi recognized her, and smiled coldly: "Why, Hua Guirong has no face to come here in person?"

Although the woman was arrogant, she cared about her cultivation, and said: "Sister Rong doesn't care about you, but it doesn't mean that she looks like a family and is easy to bully! Duanmuyi, if you are willing to break your legs now, go to Sister Rong's place." Kowtow to apologize, and I will not care about you if I belong to the same clan!"

"You deserve it too!" Duanmu said, raising his hand, the kettle on the table hit the woman's face.

The woman took two steps back, a pair of hands as big as cattail leaf fans came out out of thin air, and stopped the kettle, with another force, the kettle turned around and hit Duanmuyi.

Duanmuyi frowned slightly, caught the kettle and put it on the table.

"The two are not naturalized."

The woman laughed triumphantly: "Da Wang and Xiao Wang are twin brothers. If you refuse to plead guilty, just wait for them to tear your limbs apart..."

"Noisy!" Di Kongxuan raised his eyes suddenly, and a purple-gold aura condensed into substance came to the woman in the blink of an eye, like a sharp arrow about to pierce her eyes.

Before the woman could exclaim, the man on the other side had already put his hand in front of her.

The sharp arrow of spiritual energy pierced the palm of the same size, penetrated an inch, and then stopped.

Duanmuyi realized something was wrong at this time - Di Kongxuan's cultivation was unfathomable, and his spiritual power was even more special. The sharp arrows of spiritual energy fired at such a close range were more terrifying than those guns in the previous life.

Just like that, that man actually stopped him?
It doesn't count if you stop it, but you still stop it? !
What a terrifying speed and power!
Although Di Kongxuan was not so shocked, he couldn't help but look up at the twins. After a while, he got up and pulled Duanmuyi behind him.


Two simple words are enough to clear up the confusion.

That's right, ordinary cultivators rarely have such terrifying and powerful physical strength. As a woman, Duanmuyi has been tempering herself continuously from the beginning. The physical strength can be said to be strong enough, but it is not as good as these two. Half of the people.

Only monsters can possess such power.

Or rather, talent.

The expression on the woman's face became more and more arrogant. She looked at the two people in front of her, as if she was looking at two dead people.

Oh no, one.

That guy named Di Kongxuan, she can't afford to offend the forces behind it.

However, Duanmuyi must die!
"It's all your own bad luck. You insist on coming to this restaurant to eat, but you don't know that this restaurant is owned by my family!" The woman backed away with a smirk, "Duanmuyi, remember in your next life, don't provoke people you shouldn't provoke!" !"

As her words fell, all the doors and windows of the entire small restaurant were automatically closed, and a circle of prohibition was raised.However, none of the students who came and went outside noticed this place.

Duanmuyi's complexion became a little dignified.

Di Kongxuan sneered and said, "Stay back, I want to see how resistant they can be."

"Wait." Duanmuyi raised his hand to hold him, "Let me try."

Di Kongxuan turned his head to look at her, and seeing her bright eyes, he stepped aside, only releasing his own coercion, and rushed for her.

(End of this chapter)

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