Chapter 1740

Having just advanced from the early stage of transformation to the middle stage of transformation, Duanmuyi feels that she has inexhaustible spiritual power now, and the two nebulae in her dantian are rotating harmoniously, continuously sending spiritual energy to her meridians.

She was in a fighting posture, and the blue aura spread all over her body, forming a solid armor that was close to her body, which was strong enough to withstand the double strength of her blows.

She raised her eyes, and at the moment when her aura was released, she rushed forward, her figure was as vigorous as a cheetah.

On the opposite side, the two brothers, big king and little king, shouted at the same time, opened up their posture exactly the same, and surrounded Duanmuyi from left to right.

The two had the same mind and cooperated tacitly, and Duanmuyi suffered a loss when he fought.

Two middle stages of transformation!

Duanmuyi began to avoid his sharp edge, and ignored the attacks he could bear, and only relied on his wind-like body skills to dodge deadly attacks.

After a while, her eyes lit up, and she pointed at someone.


The vast soul power followed her fingers into the man's brow, and it came from Duanmuyi's self-created "control" technique, which quickly followed the man and controlled the man for three seconds.

In three seconds, the man stopped attacking Duan Muyi, received the other man's attack, and at the same time smashed his fist on the other man's chest, literally breaking three of his ribs.

After three seconds, the control technique failed, and Duanmu felt the sting of the sea of ​​consciousness, so he could only withdraw his soul power, soar into the air, and quickly threw the whip on the back of the man's neck.

The two brothers fell to the ground one by one.

Duanmu intended to land, without hesitation, he continued to rush forward.

It was planned by her once, the king and the king roared at the same time, the one with broken ribs didn't care about his own injury, rushed up with red eyes, and slapped Duanmuyi with his big hand.

Duan Muyi dodged sideways, but unexpectedly stepped into another person's attack range, was caught off guard and was shot flying, breaking the guardrail of the stairs.

"Ahhhh—" The two roared meaninglessly, really like two giant beasts, galloping towards her, almost reaching her in the blink of an eye.

Purple-gold spiritual power flickered in Dikongxuan's palm, and he flew away, but was stopped by the woman who had been watching from the side.

"My lord, I advise you—"

With a bang, Di Kongxuan slapped her against the wall before she could finish her sentence.

But such a delay, time is too late...

"Get out!" Di Kongxuan could only throw two fierce spiritual powers.

But Da Wang and Xiao Wang are desperate to get injured, and they want to kill Duan Muyi!
At this moment, Duanmuyi's bluish-blue aura quickly retracted, and then the silver-white aura covered his whole body, and a silver lightning crashed into the chest of one of them.

Immediately afterwards, the space in front of her was distorted, and a hand with distinct bones protruded from the space, and it unexpectedly pinched another person's neck without any effort!

Then, the owner of the hand showed his figure.

"Damn things!"

Duanmuyi was stunned, but Dikongxuan didn't pay attention to the guy who appeared out of nowhere, but took the lead in helping her up, and stuffed an elixir into her mouth.

The elixir entered the throat and turned into pure power that flowed through the whole body to heal the wound.

The silver-white spiritual energy on her body receded, and she looked at the young man who appeared in front of her, surprised and delighted: "Ear Fox!"

Erhu, who has been sleeping in the spirit pet space since ascension, and couldn't be awakened by all means, unexpectedly woke up at the critical moment!

Erhu has obviously been reborn again, he is no longer his former self, he looks like a handsome young man even after he has receded from his shyness.

(End of this chapter)

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