Chapter 1741

Just those ears...

Hu Er moved a bit, Erhu didn't look back, but asked with concern: "Master, are you alright?"

"Small injury, no problem." Duanmuyi smiled, the joy of seeing him diluted the unhappiness tonight, so that she didn't notice Di Kongxuan who was ignored by her, and her face became more and more gloomy.

"You two stupid lions, how dare you do anything to my master?" Erhu pinched the neck of one of them, although he was small and thin, he was imposing.

Under the coercion of his ancient divine beast, the king and the little king trembled, their wits disappeared, leaving only the nature of a monster.

"Transfiguration!" Erhu yelled.

The two brothers prostrated themselves on the ground at the same time, and in a blink of an eye they turned into two big docile lions.

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, feeling that Erhu had changed a lot.

However, the pair of fox ears moved again, and the ear fox turned around with a sunny smile on his face again: "Master, long time no see, I miss you to death!"

Just as he was about to pounce on him, he saw Di Kongxuan with a cloudy face, his hands and feet froze for a moment.

"Ahem, what, what's going on?"

Duanmuyi looked over his shoulder and looked at the woman who was slapped on the wall by Dikongxuan. Obviously she was also terrified at the moment, trying to jump off, but Dikongxuan's attack was merciless, she couldn't even move.

"Erhu, go and pick her off first." Duanmu instructed calmly.

Erhu stepped forward, grabbed the woman's hair with one hand, and pulled her out of the wall.

The same iron-blooded straight man.

The woman's hair was also messed up, her nose was bleeding all over her face, and when she saw Duan Muyi approaching, she yelled sternly, "What do you want to do! How dare you kill me? My grandfather is the Great Elder of the Huagui Clan!"

"Your grandfather?" Duanmuyi smiled even colder upon hearing this.

Her behavior will only remind her of Duanmu Xiaoxiao in the past!
"Your grandpa..." Duanmuyi kicked the woman's waist, "Your grandpa is amazing, it's none of your business!"


"Your grandpa..." Another kick hit the woman's heart, "Your grandpa is amazing, it's none of my business!"

The woman stared at her unwillingly, spat out two mouthfuls of blood, and fainted.

Erhu squatted down and asked, "Master, did you kill her?"

Duanmuyi sneered and said, "Kill her? She was just used as a gun, what's the use of killing her. Erhu, find a place to lock her up, it's time to go fishing."

"Okay!" Erhu felt very honored to be assigned such an important task by the master just after waking up, and even spared no effort in getting things done.

"Stupid lion, you stay to protect my master, you, take her on your back, and follow me!" Erhu logically began to order the two new recruits.

The prohibition of the small restaurant disappeared with the fainting of the woman, and the ear fox and the lion beast turned into two shadows and disappeared into the night.

Seeing the other lion squatting obediently beside her...a head taller than her, Duanmuyi twitched his eyes and said, "You should transform into a human form."

Otherwise, if you take a lion for a walk, you will probably be on the front page of the college again!

"Master Jiang, she lost." In the dark, someone whispered back.

The young man was wearing a cloak and was drinking mutton soup by the side of the road. Hearing this, he smacked his lips, casually threw the soup bowl aside, stood up and said, "Losing is inevitable."

"Since you know you will lose, why do you still—" the man got stuck in the middle of his words, because he saw the young man in front of him with a weird smile.

(End of this chapter)

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