Chapter 1742

Young Master Jiang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Brother Wu Ya, you still don't understand."

Standing opposite Young Master Jiang was Jiang Wuya who was limping in today's game.

Being rescued by Duanmuyi, but being eliminated by her without saying a word, Jiang Wuya didn't know what it was like, his only thought was to beat her up again.

Although it seems unrealistic.

The young man in front of him called Brother Wu Ya, in fact he was the most powerful person in the entire Jiang family, even the elders of the Jiang family treated him with courtesy.

Jiang Wuya smiled wryly and thought to himself... how can I deserve it.

"I never thought about what I could do to Duanmuyi today. Huaguiyu's death will inevitably arouse the wrath of the Huagui clan." Jiang Shao smiled lightly, "I want to see, the relationship is already tense Will the Duanmu family and the Huagui family completely turn their backs because of this?"

Jiang Wuya pondered: "But Duanmuyi has not returned to the family so far, will the Duanmu family completely turn against the Huagui clan for her?"

"What if Duanmuyi has pure blood?" Jiang Shao smiled strangely.

Jiang Wuya froze in place as if struck by lightning.

It took him a long time to regain his mind, but he saw that Young Master Jiang had left.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Wuya whispered, "Fuck."

If Duanmuyi possesses pure blood, no matter whether the news is accurate or not, once it spreads, the Duanmu family will definitely send people to show their favor, and even take the initiative to block the attacks of other families for her.

But if this is the case, the Duanmu family will become the public enemy of all families. Adhering to the idea of ​​being destroyed if you can't get it, the Duanmu family... will definitely disappear on this continent.

The Jiang family can just sit back and watch the big families fight, and just wait for the final netting.

What a terrible scheming.


In the office of the president of the student union, a large bed was set up by the window. A beautiful female student knelt in front of the bed, pinching the legs of the young man on the bed.

Behind the desk, Mo Chengyu raised his head and frowned unhappily when he saw this scene.

"You went to see Young Master Jiang today." Mo Chengyu said.

Mo Lingyu hummed casually, and turned his eyes from the female student's chest evilly, probably because it was too hot and direct, the female student's head almost fell to the ground.

Mo Lingyu suddenly lost interest, raised his hand and said: "Don't press it, get out."

"Ah..." The female student froze for a moment, then got up to leave quickly.

Mo Chengyu said disapprovingly: "The college stipulates that you are not allowed to bring attendants, just because you don't want you to make the college a mess. Look at what you are doing now!"

"Brother, I'm just discussing the content of the get out of class with my female classmates. I'm called studying hard." Mo Lingyu laughed.

Mo Chengyu didn't think it was so funny, he just said seriously: "Jiang Shao has a deep plan, don't associate with him."

"I just told him that Duanmuyi might be the owner of the pure blood essence, and I didn't do anything else." Mo Lingyu looked innocent and evil.

Mo Chengyu looked over coldly: "She is?"

When talking about this matter, Mo Lingyu's expression became somewhat serious.


As soon as a word fell, Mo Chengyu, who was originally as cold as an iceberg, suddenly rose with a powerful aura, like a dormant volcano erupting in an instant.

He stared at the file in front of him, and said slowly, "So it was her."

Mo Lingyu recounted his involvement in the Cangyang Continent before. When he controlled the Black League, he naturally learned a lot about Duanmuyi from the mouth of the elder in charge.

(End of this chapter)

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