Chapter 1744

"Unreasonable thoughts?" Di Kongxuan lowered his head with a smile, leaned against her neck, and said in a low voice, "This is not called unreasonable thinking, it's called--immorality."

As he spoke, the hand on her waist slowly started to rub, a comfortable heat spread from his palm to her waist, making Duanmuyi almost let out a groan.

The voices of Lan Yao and the king outside the door were still in my ears, but Duanmuyi quickly turned into a pool of soft water in Dikongxuan's hands.

"You..." Duanmuyi trembled all over her body, as if she wanted to avoid his hands, but she was still held tightly in his arms.

Di Kongxuan couldn't see her confused eyes, as if covered with water mist, the calmness, willfulness, and strength in the daytime all disappeared.

In his arms, she was just his love.

Just as the temperature in the room was rising, a boy's voice suddenly sounded from the yard: "My lord, why are you squatting here? Who is this? Where is my master?!"

Lan Yao: "Master?"

King: "Ah..."

Di Kongxuan frowned slightly, obviously feeling very upset about being interrupted.

Duanmuyi regained his composure, quickly put on his clothes, and after tidying up, he said: "The ear fox is a spiritual pet you gave me in the back mountain of the Jialan tribe, don't worry about it."

"Ahem..." Di Kongxuan gave a dry cough in a disguise, "I don't mind."

Duanmuyi went forward to open the door, and sure enough, he saw Erhu came back, but Xiao Wang was not there, so he must have left Hua Guiyu behind to watch over him.

"I'll give you some elixir later, you take care of that woman for me, don't let her die." Duanmuyi said.

Erhu snorted: "That bad woman bullied the master so much, why did the master spare her life?"

"If I really kill her, I will be fulfilling the wish of others." Duan Muyi sneered, "Use my hand to stir up disputes, and I will reap the benefits of the fisherman... I have a good plan, and I don't think I am enough." Not enough to be a fisherman."

Lan Yao wondered: "Could it be that they want to provoke the struggle between the Huagui clan and the Duanmu clan?"

Duanmuyi lowered his eyelids, feeling a little restless.

It would be fine if it was just like this—but she always feels that things are not that simple, after all, she is pregnant with pure blood, if this news is sent to the heads of various clans, I am afraid that not only the two clans will be involved up.

She was in the center of Jinshi that day, and she publicly said that she was the owner of the pure blood essence, and she had the opposite consideration.Although this method caught Mo Lingyu by surprise, it was not a long-term solution after all.

If Mo Lingyu got the evidence, or even if she didn't get it, and fabricated some evidence, she would face the scene of being hunted down by the crowd.

Thinking of this, she finally couldn't help it, pulled Di Kongxuan back into the room, and said in a low voice: "I... have one thing I didn't tell you."

Di Kongxuan was stunned for a moment, and after a while he said with a cold face: "You are not going to tell me, are you empathizing?"

"..." Duanmuyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "What, it's not this."

"What is that?" Di Kongxuan was obviously relieved.

Duanmuyi imposed a restriction, and then said softly: "I am the owner of the purest blood."

Di Kongxuan let out a slow oh.

"You have nothing to say?" Duan Muyi looked at him.

But Di Kongxuan smiled: "Just now you talked about the past and said that your blood is the medicine to cure the poison in my body, so I guessed it."

Duanmuyi opened his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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