Chapter 1745

"Besides the pure blood, I really can't think of any other blood that has such a powerful effect." Di Kongxuan said, "But so what."

so what.

The plain four words showed his incomparably strong confidence.

Even if you are pure blood, even if your special physique is discovered, even if the whole world starts chasing you... so what!
Di Kongxuan pressed her shoulder and said word by word: "I want you to remember that I was able to protect you in the past, and I can protect you now!"

Even though he once stood proudly on the vast continent, now he is still catching up with the supreme powerhouse, but he can still promise.

He doesn't die, she doesn't get hurt.

How could Duanmuyi not be moved, but now that she looked at Dikongxuan, she couldn't say anything.

Because she knew in her heart that she was the same as him.

"It's not that easy to kill me." Duanmuyi smiled slightly with curved lips.

In Xuanye College, there is a string force restriction set up in ancient times, private fighting is prohibited, and the only way is to go to the martial arts field.But in that case, the traces are too heavy, which is suspicious.

So even if someone knew that she was carrying the pure blood and wanted to kill her, they would definitely not choose to do it in the academy.

She slowly clenched her fists, the most important thing now is to improve her strength.

Entering the Spirit Hall is very important.

So this time, she won the top ten seats!

However, what was even more unexpected was that Shuyinglou maintained a big score of [-]% victory in the next team competition!
Coming off the field again, Shen Muxu couldn't believe it, looked at his teammates and asked, "Is this really our team?"

Bai Tuantuan also blushed excitedly: "It's all under Xiaoyi's command!"

Several times, Duanmuyi had predicted the direction of the competition in advance, they had been prepared for a long time, but they caught the enemy by surprise.

This is not difficult to explain. Duanmuyi has experienced a continent-wide war in Cangyang Continent, so he naturally has a longer-term vision than these people.

But then... maybe not so lucky.

In the end, there are [-] remaining teams in the team competition. Tomorrow is the final day of the final battle. They will randomly play two-two matches. Half of the chances will be to stay and win the top ten rewards.

They are so eye-catching, other teams will definitely make corresponding tactical adjustments to them.

Duan Muyi looked to the other side, Di Kongxuan and Lan Yao's teams were also ranked in the top [-], and Di Kongxuan's results were exceptionally impressive because he maintained a complete victory in individual competitions.

Duanmuyi lost a game the day before yesterday, and his ranking dropped from 31 to 58. To enter the top ten, he only has the last two chances.

She took a deep breath and looked at the crystal screen.

The crystal screen slowly displayed the battle list for the single match:
Mo Lingyu, Duanmuyi!

There was an uproar.

"What's going on!" Lan Tingrui stood up suddenly, "Did I make a mistake!"

All eyes were on Duanmuyi.

Duanmuyi stood up slowly, relaxed his facial muscles, and showed a smile.


"It's my challenge."

Lan Tingrui turned her head to look at her, opened her mouth, but couldn't say a word.

None of the people present dared to challenge Mo Lingyu, why?He is still young, and he is already at the peak of the middle stage of transformation. It can be said that among the few geniuses present, he must have a place.

The most frightening thing about Mo Lingyu is not his cultivation, but his ruthless heart. In the previous few competitions, those who dared to challenge him without long-sightedness were all missing arms and legs, and none of them ended up intact.

(End of this chapter)

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