Chapter 1751

Duanmuyi's outstanding soul power, Mo Lingyu's little-known innate vision, the powerful sense of oppression of the Mo people, the mysterious power of thunder and lightning...

Then in a blink of an eye, it turned into a hand-to-hand fight?
Adding fists and kicks like street gangsters?

The audience didn't know what words to use to describe their psychological gap, but somehow felt... so cool.

Duanmuyi stood up and punched the proud second son of the Mo family with one fist after another. This kind of scene makes people feel comfortable.

Di Kongxuan was still standing at the entrance of the arena when he was stopped by the law enforcement team.

On the referee's seat, Di Mingkun waved at him.

Mo Chengyu looked at the arena coldly, his eyes were gloomy, and his face was full of storms.

"Stop!" The referee seat finally couldn't stand it any longer, and after several elders deliberated, an elder finally called to stop.

The surrounding scenes quickly disappeared, the fog receded, and the sand was revealed. The two fell on the sand, their bodies covered in blood mixed with sand, and they were in a state of embarrassment.

Duanmu Yixiang didn't notice it, and kept fisting.

The referee elder flew forward and landed in front of Duanmuyi: "Child, it's over, stop."

Duanmuyi punched Mo Lingyu's face, and the fist rested on it. He turned his head and asked, "Who won?"

"Ah... it counts as a tie..."

Before the elder referee could finish his words, Duanmuyi's fist slammed down again.

The audience heard her calm voice: "Really? I can still fight, so let's decide the winner."

Even though he was covered in blood and flesh all over, he chose to use such an extremely calm tone to do such bloody and violent things.

For a while, the audience was silent.

The referee elder was stunned.

In the top ten seats, Mo Chengyu stood up slowly, but without seeing what he was doing, he had already arrived on the field and pinched Duanmuyi's wrist.

"Okay." He looked at the referee elder, "Mo Lingyu admits defeat."

The blood man on the ground struggled to resist, but Mo Chengyu stopped him with a look.

The elder referee quickly announced that Duanmuyi had won. On the crystal screen, Duanmuyi's ranking leaped rapidly, replacing the No.13 seat.

Duanmuyi stood up, shook off Mo Chengyu's hand, staggered, and fell into another person's arms.

Di Kongxuan hugged her, looked at the two brothers in front of him, and smiled slowly: "Certify."

Soon, the entire Xuanye Academy was spreading the desperate hand-to-hand fight between Duanmuyi and Mo Lingyu, and everyone admired Duanmuyi's desperate Sanniang spirit.

Early the next morning, there was a commotion in Shuying Building.

"Step aside!"


"Don't force me to do it!"

"As long as you can make a move in my hands now, I will let you out!"

There was a moment of silence at the stairway, Duanmuyi leaned on the wall and sighed with difficulty.

The three girls who stood in front of her all looked unbearable.

Bai Tuantuan said with red eyes: "Xiao Yi, don't fight, what's the use of going to the scene now? Your soul power is exhausted, and the internal organs need to be recuperated, not to mention—"

Lan Tingrui spoke bluntly, and took up the quarrel: "What's more, how can you see anyone with your face?"

The three of them silently looked at the woman who was wrapped in bandages from head to neck in front of them, only a pair of eyes were exposed, and there was a bruise at the corner of the eyes, and the blood in one eye had not subsided, so they didn't speak.

With this injury, she still wants to play?

To challenge her ultimate goal, Duanmuyue?

After all, he is a strong person in the late stage of transformation, if Duanmuyi is in peak physical condition, they will not stop him, just try it.

(End of this chapter)

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