Chapter 1752

But looking at her current appearance, she was going to die on stage.

With teary eyes, Duanmuyi scolded: "Damn, it's a loss."

She also didn't expect that the fight with Mo Lingyu would be so fierce that she would directly lose the qualification to compete, what a loss!

If she can't make it into the top ten, she won't be able to enter the Spirit Hall, and all her previous plans will be in vain.

Bai Tuantuan helped her back to the room to lie down, and Shen Muxu said, "I know what you're worried about, Teacher Yu sent a message last night."

"What!" Duanmu wanted to do it in a flash, pulled the wound on his body in an instant, and yelled, halfway through the yelling, he felt that his internal organs were about to be displaced, so he could only lower the volume, and lay back moaning.

The three were speechless.

Shen Muxu pressed her and said, "Teacher Yu wants you to relax, your performance is very good, and he will try to help you get the qualification to enter the Spirit Hall."

Duanmuyi suddenly felt no back pain, no dizziness, and he was full of energy.

"Why didn't you say so earlier?"

Shen Muxu rolled her eyes: "You just woke up and wanted to go out in a hurry, and you didn't give us a chance to talk at all."

Duanmu thought for a while and said, "No, I'm still worried."

The three were like enemies.

"Oh, I won't play." She said, "I'll just sit in my seat and watch if it's okay? Di Kongxuan is going to play today, so I have to cheer him on."

The three of them looked at each other, thinking of a weird man in bandages sitting in the auditorium, waving colored balls and shouting cheers, they were all excited.

No, no, it's too visual.

But it couldn't resist the persistence of a woman in love, so the three of them helped her clean up. Shen Muxu took out a wheelchair and pushed her to watch the game.

Received countless attention gifts along the way, probably no one would have expected Duanmu Yi to go out, especially with the bandage on his head.

Lan Tingrui said in a low voice: "The rate of turning heads is too high."

"Ah—Master—" Erhu was sent to guard Hua Guiyu, just as he turned back, he saw Duanmuyi's ghostly appearance, and when he was about to call out, Duanmuyi stopped him with his spiritual sense.

He swallowed the following words abruptly, turned a corner and said, "Pig head?"

Duanmu said: "..."

Ear Fox: "..."

The students around burst into laughter.

Bai Tuantuan asked curiously, "Who is this little brother?"

Duanmu said calmly: "My cousin."

Erhu blushed and called, "Aunt—"

"Good boy." Duanmuyi raised his hand, "I've met your three aunts."

Although there is an extra nephew for no reason, it seems that this cheap nephew is good-looking, has a soft personality, and works hard. The three of Bai Tuantuan are very satisfied.

While no one was paying attention, Erhu whispered in her ear, "Master, we found traces of monsters in the back mountain, and they seem to be searching for something."

Duanmuyi smiled faintly: "Hide Hua Guiyu well, the fun is about to begin."

"Don't worry, I have let the big king and the little Wang brothers release their coercion. They are all monsters in the early stage of Jindan stage, and they have almost no opponents." Erhu said.

While speaking, the three people who were called to the referee's seat also returned.

Shen Muxu said happily: "Xiaoyi, two pieces of good news!"

Duanmuyi smiled: "Can I go to the Spirit Hall?"

"That's right, that's right." Shen Muxu said, "I heard that Teacher Yu was rejected when he applied for you at first, but then for some reason, he agreed again, saying that he will notify you when the competition is over."

(End of this chapter)

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