Chapter 1754

"Song Aotian is a casual cultivator that the Dijiang Clan wants to recruit. Before the school started, my father specially asked us to befriend him. You haven't forgotten it, right?"

"Jiang Shao is the number one genius of the Shengling Clan, and Chen Yuan is the patriarch of the Shensha Clan. These two can completely represent their respective tribes, so try not to offend them."

"Yutingsong is the young son of the Baicao Clan, in charge of the Seven Alchemist Departments, and there are countless practitioners who follow him."

"Although the Mo clan is incompatible with us, Duanmuyi has already offended Mo Lingyu. If you offend Mo Chengyu again, with the Mo clan's character of vengeance, the Dijiang clan will make a strong enemy!"

Di Kongxuan listened indifferently, his expression did not loosen.

Although Di Mingkun knew that he was extremely talented, who in Xuanye College was not a genius?If you pick out one of the top ten in the Spirit Hall, you can call the wind and rain in the whole continent.

What's more, his father specially sent a letter two days ago, asking him to pay close attention to Di Kongxuan's actions, and never allow him to offend the forces of the major tribes.

Finally, Di Kongxuan spoke.

He looked at Di Mingkun, and said slowly: "An ancient clan, the leader of the seven major tribes, the Dijiang clan, the peak of the late stage of deification, and the captain of the academy's law enforcement team, Di Mingkun—is he so timid?"

As his words fell, Di Mingkun's face became very ugly.

"What did you say!"

Di Kongxuan raised his hand, and pushed him two steps away: "The top ten of the Spirit Hall have always been occupied by capable people. Could it be that it has changed now, and are occupied by tribes?"

Di Mingkun froze in place.

It's not that he doesn't understand what Di Kongxuan means, but the seven major tribes have developed for tens of thousands of years, and they have already suffered from chronic illnesses, which can affect the whole body.

Everyone is working hard to maintain the calm on the surface, but the undercurrent hidden underneath is already choppy.

What my father said was right, for the sake of the family, we should try our best to make good friends with the major tribes.

But is friendship a blind concession?

When he came back to his senses, Di Kongxuan had already left.

Di Mingkun slowly raised his hand and glanced at his palm.


Di Kongxuan saw a weird man with bandages sitting in a wheelchair at the gate of the Martial Arts Field.

The man was staring at him, he was silent for a moment, then raised his eyebrows suddenly.


Duanmuyi: "'s me."

Although she was covered with only a pair of eyes and a mouth, she still felt aggrieved not to be recognized at the first sight!
The scumbag nailed it.

Duanmuyi snorted.

Di Kongxuan immediately stepped forward, pushing her wheelchair to the arena: "Why is no one accompanying you?"

"Lonely and widowed, who do you want to accompany?" Duanmuyi hummed.

Di Kongxuan laughed softly: "I'm wronged. After sending you back yesterday, it was your three roommates who insisted on driving me away, saying that they wanted to change your clothes and give you medicine. It's inconvenient for me to be a man."

Duanmu didn't speak anymore.

"I don't think there is any inconvenience." Di Kongxuan said again.

Duanmu blushed in disbelief, but fortunately he was hidden in the bandage and couldn't see anything.

It's just a little stuffy.

"Let's get down to business." Duanmu asked, "Who do you want to challenge?"

"Didn't you say it before, Song Aotian." Di Kongxuan said slowly.

Duanmuyi secretly breathed a sigh of relief - she was really afraid that he would go crazy and challenge Mo Chengyu or something like that.

"Song Aotian ranks sixth in the Hall of Spirits, and he has his strengths, so be careful."

She still cared a bit.

The first games have ended one after another, and the second game has already had two venues going on.

(End of this chapter)

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