Chapter 1755

At this time, the crystal screen flickered, and two names jumped out.

Di Kongxuan, Song Aotian!

There was an uproar.

So far, there are only two people who have challenged the top ten in the Spirit Hall, one is Yang Long who lost in one move, and the second is Di Kongxuan!
Yang Longna has completely become the second most powerful backdrop to set off the Spirit Hall, so will Di Kongxuan, who is known as one of the new double masters, have any eye-catching performance?
At the moment when the name was typed out on the crystal screen, a group of girls suddenly screamed in an area of ​​the auditorium, and even held up countless banners!
"Go Dikongxuan!"

"Kong Xuan, Kong Xuan, has both talent and appearance!"

"Dikongxuan, I love you!"

In an instant, all the eyes of the audience turned to that area. Young girls from all major tribes gathered there, full of youth and beauty, forming a beautiful landscape.

The girl with wood-type spiritual power transformed flower petals with spiritual power, paved a flower path, and paved it all the way to Dikongxuan's feet.

Duanmu moved the wheelchair kindly, and reminded: "Congratulations, Mr. Emperor, for having your own fan group, go on, don't disappoint the fans' expectations of you."

Di Kongxuan: "..."

Lan Tingrui watched happily from the side: "Ah, there are quite a few people from the Shensha clan."

"The few over there belong to the Baicao clan." Shen Muxu followed suit.

Bai Tuantuan conjured a flower ball out of nowhere and handed it to Duanmuyi.

Duanmu waved it symbolically, and shouted to the group of beautiful fans: "Kongxuan, Kongxuan, both talented and beautiful."

Di Kongxuan entered the stage expressionlessly.

The screams of the audience reached a new climax.

Song Aotian is one of the top ten in the Spirit Hall, he is strong in cultivation, and he is considered a good-looking talent, but it is a pity that compared with Di Kongxuan, he seems too ordinary.

He smiled wryly at the people beside him: "Girls now..."

Duanmuyue laughed so much that she staggered to and fro, squeezed her throat and said, "Aotian, Aotian, look down on the sky, come on Brother Aotian!"

Song Aotian was about to throw up, and flew onto the field.

When the match started, the sand under their feet began to flow, and then the scene moved and changed rapidly, and it was frozen on a cliff.

In the entire Xuanye Continent, there were too many cliffs like this. At first, everyone didn't pay attention to them. However, after a while, whispers spread, and more and more people recognized the location of the cliffs.

"It turned out to be the south wall of Xuanye Valley!" Lan Tingrui heard the news and came back with emotion, "This is one of the hidden scene pictures, even rarer than the Buddha Pagoda."

Duanmuyi heard a new vocabulary.

Seeing that she didn't quite understand, Lan Tingrui explained: "Xuanye Valley is the burial place of the patriarchs of the seven major tribes. There are countless rare treasures buried with them. In the deepest part is hidden the body of a fallen superhuman powerhouse." skeleton."

As if afraid that Duanmuyi would not realize the importance of this, Shen Muxu added something beside him: "It is the same master as the spiritual consciousness of the Hall of Spirits."

Duanmuyi was in awe.

"Thousands of years, there are not a few people who want to go in and snatch treasures, but no matter how powerful they are, they will never return." Lan Tingrui said in a low voice, "There are organ formations all over Xuanye Valley, and there are super powerful ones. Even a hundred Mahayana stage powerhouses can't break the string force restriction."

"Then how to get in?" Duanmu asked.

"The key." Shen Muxu said, "The major tribes are each in charge of a key, and the previous patriarchs of the Dijiang tribe are the tomb guards of Xuanye Valley."

(End of this chapter)

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