Chapter 1756

Lan Tingrui said: "I just don't know where the boundary of this scene map is. If it's just this cliff, it's okay. After all, under the south wall is the lore."

The scene had gradually stabilized, Di Kongxuan quickly scanned the surrounding scene, frowning slightly, also did not recognize any difference in this cliff.

And not far in front of him, Song Aotian has already walked over.

"The south wall of Xuanye Valley, let's make a quick decision."

Song Aotian said in a deep voice.

Di Kongxuan stepped back slightly, his waist tensed like a bow and arrow ready to go.

He raised his eyes, and the cinnabar mole between his eyebrows became redder and redder. He slowly raised his wrist, and purple-gold spiritual power gushed out from his palm, turning into an unpretentious dark-gold long sword.

With the surge of his spiritual power, dark clouds billowed over the South Cliff, and a phantom of a golden divine bird faintly flashed behind the clouds, surrounded by crimson fire, and covered the sky with two pairs of huge wings.

The divine bird raised its head and chirped silently.

A huge coercion of divine beasts came from mid-air, dark thunder rolled like a chariot ran over, and some students with lower cultivation levels suddenly turned pale.

Across the barrier of the arena, there is still such a great coercion?

What kind of beast is this?
Not only the students were surprised, but the rest of the top ten seats, even the elders and the dean were shocked.

The deputy dean looked at the phantom of the divine bird, and his eyes flashed in amazement: "It turned out to be a tribal divine bird."

An elder said with emotion: "How many years have passed, so far very few have been able to cultivate tribal totems. This third son of the emperor is really a genius."

In the top ten seats, Duanmuyue laughed gloatingly, and looked at Di Mingkun: "This is Dijiang, the divine bird of your Dijiang clan, a tribal totem, even your brother may not have cultivated it, right?"

Di Mingkun was unmoved, and said coldly: "It's all family honor, what's wrong?"

Duanmu Yue shrugged, disapproving.

Everyone outside has already felt the coercion of Dijiang Shenniao, not to mention Song Aotian himself who faced this scene directly.

Song Aotian looked up at the huge phantom of the divine bird, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

He raised the spear in his hand, and flew up, the tip of the spear was filled with spiritual light, shining dazzlingly, like the second round of the sun.

Carrying invincible and vast spiritual power, the tip of the spear collided with the phantom of the golden divine bird in midair, and the flames billowed and covered half of the sky, glowing red.

The golden light was dazzling, and everyone closed their eyes.

When he looked up again, he saw Di Kongxuan standing proudly in the sky wearing a purple-gold battle armor.The long sword in his hand was horizontally across his chest, and the shadow of the sword was huge, resisting the attack from the tip of the spear.

Song Aotian's tactic changed again, and the gun shadows turned into countless golden flowers that implied murderous intent, overwhelmingly crashing into the sword shadows.

And Di Kongxuan also withdrew his sword, his sword moves changed, he turned around in one move, grabbed all the golden flowers, his spiritual power surged up, wrapped all the golden flowers and smashed them towards Song Aotian.

The two fought in mid-air, you come and go, the momentum is huge.

The crowd couldn't take their eyes off it even more. Such a high-quality duel between the two strong men in the late stage of transformation will be of great benefit to everyone's cultivation.

The phantom of the divine bird suddenly soared into the sky, and then turned into a stream of light and fell down.

Song Aotian raised his spear to respond, but was smashed into the pit.

The entire South Cliff trembled, and half of it collapsed.

The rubble fell into the abyss below, and it took a while before there was a loud noise.

But the faces of the two changed at the same time.

After the loud noise, a dim light suddenly lit up from the bottom of the south cliff. Countless cold lights shot up from the bottom of the cliff, turning into a dazzling and gorgeous light curtain, like a wide waterfall, the stream of light flowing backward into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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